


中文來源  翻譯:Sara_Lee
BYDiana Dawn DiAngelo

因為工作原因,我曾有幸見過許多美國的大明星。這裡講述的是關於多年前,因為一個偶然的機會,有幸見到MICHAEL JACKSON的一些回憶。

那次見到MJ 的情形讓我非常難忘,好多細節至今都還歷歷在目。。。話說那還是80年代中期,當時的Lucasfilm電影公司每年都會在七月四日美國獨立日前後,在著名的Skywalker牧場舉辦一次盛大的野餐聚會。

那時MJ 正與大導演喬治盧卡斯合作拍攝3D影片<Captain EO>。當時我姐姐在盧卡斯公司工作,她就叫了我一起去參加這個野餐活動。

那天我剛到牧場野餐的地方,就發現MJ 也來了。作為他的粉絲,我當然很想上去跟他打個招呼。但看到當時他正在跟喬治盧卡斯說話,而且身邊還圍著一群孩子,不太方便上前打擾,於是就放棄了這個念頭。雖然招呼打不成了,可我還是抓住時機,趕緊拍了好幾張他的照片留作紀念。

那天Michael 身穿深色襯衣和黑色長褲,不僅戴著黑色的帽子和他那標誌性的墨鏡,嘴巴上還捂著個藍色的醫用口罩。注意到我拿出相機想要給他拍照時,Michael 還很合作的摘下了帽子和口罩,開始對著鏡頭微笑。他那天的笑容比陽光還燦爛,就好像一瞬間可以照亮整個銀河系似的他的氣場確實強大。

晚些時候,我又無意中在牧場一處陰涼,僻靜的地方見到了Michael。他當時獨自坐在一張野餐桌邊上,附近站著一個保鏢,不遠處還蹲著一大只德國牧羊犬(估計應該是牧場的)。我鼓足勇氣,慢慢地走過去問那個保鏢,可不可以跟Michael 打個招呼並要個簽名。保鏢說:你自己去問Michael 。於是,我就又小心翼翼地滑到Michael 旁邊空著的椅子上,很害羞地跟他打招呼:“Hi”,他也回答:“Hi”,同樣也是很害羞滴。他的聲音甜美輕柔,簡直能讓人想像成是瑪麗蓮夢露說話的聲音了。

我跟Michael 說很喜歡他的音樂,他寫的歌詞總能打動我,讓我感動不己。Michael 聽後很激動,說:謝謝你,知道嗎?你的話對我意味著很多,真的!謝謝!。聽了這話,我好開心,感覺那一刻好像整個人都要飄起來了。我知道他說的是真心話,而且知道他一直都是真心對待歌迷的。看得出他是發自內心地熱愛舞臺,熱愛表演。


不久之後,我打算回家了,就一個人朝之前自己停車的地方走去。正走著,忽然聽到身後傳來消防車的汽笛聲,回頭看,只見一輛消防車正沿馬路朝這邊呼嘯而來,他們不僅拉響了汽笛,同時還很大聲地按著喇叭。我很緊張,想著他們肯定是在提醒我趕緊讓路,好讓車子快速通過。於是我趕緊讓開路面,讓消防車先過。令人納悶的是,車子已經開過去了,可車上的汽笛和喇叭還一直在拼命響著。我覺得很奇怪,就又朝消防車望去。這時我才驚訝地發現原來Michael 正從汽車副駕駛的視窗探出身來,一邊拉著汽笛一邊使勁兒揮手,他那興奮無比的神情和樣子像極了一個五歲的小男孩。

看上去Michael 好像一直在望著我這邊,可我不確信,所以還特意扭頭看了看,想確定他是不是在跟自己身後站著的什麼人打招呼。結果發現那裡全是停著的汽車,除了自己,空無一人。於是再回望他,看到他還在那兒使勁兒揮手,我這才突然意識到,其實從一開始他就一直是在跟我打招呼,想要吸引我的注意力。

那一刻,我仿佛看到了一個隱藏在他身體裡的小男孩,天真,純潔而又快樂。當時的情景讓我非常難忘。以至於後來每每想起MJ,我的記憶總會不由自主地切換回那一幕。覺得自己能見到舞臺下的MJ 已經很幸運了,而能親眼見證他那孩子氣的一面,更是讓我終生難忘的經歷。Michael Jackson,無論臺上台下,都有著超強的氣場和魅力。他內心美好,靈魂高貴,笑起來就像天使。令人遺憾的是,他卻過早地離開了我們。 

The day I met Michael Jackson by Diana Dawn DiAngelo
I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to meet many Great American Superstars in my life, but this is the story about THE DAY I MET MICHAEL JACKSON

The day I met Michael Jackson was such a Thrill for me...It was at one of Lucasfilms Annual Picnics, in the late 80's, which took place every year around the 4th of July, out at Skywalker Ranch in Marin County.

It was during the time Michael Jackson was working with George Lucas on his Captain EO 3D project. My sister was working for Lucasfilm at the time and invited me to the party.

It was also around the same time I had been hired by Lucasfilm to be their Tiger-Woman Double for The Morf to Morphing scene in the film Willow. Which can be seen on The Special Edition DVD of Willow.

Soon after arriving at the picnic at Skywalker Ranch I spotted Michael Jackson and went over to say hello. He was talking to George Lucas and a handful of kids were surrounding him so I didn't get the chance to say hello up close and personal until later that day. However I was able to take some great photos of Michael in those first few moments.
Michael and George Lucas at Skywalker Ranch

Michael was wearing his trademark shades, black slacks, black shirt and black hat, along with a blue surgical mask over his mouth. And when I pulled out my camera and held it up to take some photos of Michael, he kindly took off his hat, and surgical mask and smiled for the camera. His smile was brighter then The Sun and could have lit up the entire galaxy that day. He had a presence that was truly magical.

Later that day I ran into Michael under a covered shaded area where he was sitting at a picnic table all alone, well with his bodyguard and a big German Shepherd Dog standing close by, so I approached slowly and asked his bodyguard if I could say hello to Michael and get an autograph, his bodyguard said "ask Michael yourself" so I did and I slipped right into the seat next to him and said HI! very shyly, and he said "HI!" back just as shy and his voice was as soft and sweet as you would imagine Marilyn Monroe's being.

I told Michael that I loved his music and said that his lyrics really move me and touch me. Michael replied by saying, "Thank You that really means a lot to me, really it does! Thank You!" I felt like I was floating on air in that moment and knew that his words were genuine and that he really appreciated his fans and I could tell that he truly loved being a performer and making a difference in peoples lives.

I also asked if he would mind signing The Lucasfilm yearbook I had and he graciously agreed to do so, as did George Lucas earlier that day.
Michael and his bodyguard
A little later I was walking down the dirt road to my car, and a fire truck they had on the property was driving down the road in the same direction, and it was ringing it's bells and tooting it's horn, so I thought they wanted me to move off the road to give them more room to pass, but even after I moved over into a ditch they were still ringing their bells and tooting their horn, so I looked back again and to my surprise, I saw Michael Jackson hanging out of the passenger side window of the fire truck and he was waving and ringing the bell like an exited 5 year old kid would be.

It seemed as though he was starring at me, but I couldn't image that, so I looked over my shoulder to see who he was waving at and no-one was there, it was just the parking lot filled with cars behind me, so when I looked back at him, he was still waving, and it suddenly dawned on me that he was trying to get my attention all along and waving at me.

In that very moment I saw his true child-like spirit shining thru and it felt so pure and innocent. It was a really special moment for me and I will always cherish those moments with Michael. I feel very lucky to have met him that day. He had a beautiful spirit, a precious soul, and an angelic smile, and I am so grateful to have witnessed his playful side.

Michael Jackson was Magical On Stage and Off and was Gone Too Soon!



