


中文來源   作者:Keen 

花樣滑冰名將巴爾德(Elladj Balde)在德國隨流行音樂之王邁克爾傑克遜的音樂冰上起舞,太震撼了!


90後花滑新星MaiaAlex Shibutani兄妹檔,這段《邁克爾傑克遜組曲》花樣滑冰炫爆了!!!!!他們將代表美國隊出征2014冬奧會!!!

這又來一對兒:來自英國,24Penny Coomes24歲的Nicholas Buckland剛在2014歐洲花樣滑冰比賽中獲銅牌,事業生涯最佳表現!!他們起舞的音樂來自邁克爾傑克遜《不朽傳奇》巡演原聲碟!!

British Figure Skaters Penny Coomes And Nick Buckland Claim European Ice Dance Bronze Set To The Music Of Michael Jackson

Source: PRWeb

Sheffield, Yorkshire (PRWEB UK) 18 January 2014

Three-time UK champions Penny Coomes and Nick Buckland were third heading into the free dance at the European Championships and produced a well-executed routine, set to the music of Michael Jackson, to secure the best result of their careers.

And the achievement was all the more remarkable considering Buckland’s season looked in doubt after he had to undergo a heart operation just a few months ago.
Coomes and Buckland are the first British medallists at the event since former training partners Sinead and John Kerr finished third in 2009 and before then you need to go back to Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean’s gold in 1994.
Penny said, “We’d worked really hard in training, so I just put everything out of my mind. We had good support from the crowd.”
The European Championships are the final event for Britain’s skaters before next month’s Olympics, with the team figure skating event beginning on 6 February, one day before Sochi 2014′s opening ceremony.


