

World of Michael Jackson, iTunes Store

2008-05-30  來源

世界最著名的網路音樂商店iTunes最近推出了《……的世界》系列。這個系列將集中推出眾多音樂歷史上巨人的作品合輯,並形成專區。昨天,它最新推出了《Michael Jackson的世界》,並把它放到了首頁。

除了強有力的開場介紹外,這個頁面還包含了豐富的內容,來介紹Michael Jackson在過去四十年裏為什麼具有重要的意義。從Michael的根源和影響,到類似的藝人,到被翻唱的歌曲,到Michael自己的音樂,到Michael令人矚目的音樂錄影,等等,無所不包。這個展示中心向人們顯示了Michael Jackson對他人的創造性影響力。

目前,iTunes已經創建了22個重要藝人的“世界”。其中包括靈魂天后Aretha Franklin、雷鬼傳奇Bob Marley、藍領之王Bruce Springsteen、貓王Elvis Presley、流行女王Madonna、盲人傳奇Stevie Wonder等。而Michael Jackson則被放在了首位。
以下便是iTunes特別為Michael Jackson書寫的簡介:
“從Michael Jackson接觸到舞臺的那一刹那起——如同一架小巧卻完備的人型發電機——他用10萬瓦的電力點亮了明星的能量……從此,我們的目光和耳朵,再也無法從他的身上移去。
“在他單飛之前,他已經和Jackson 5組合賣出了一億張唱片。但是,當他單飛後,他則用太空舞步走進了輝煌。藉著卓越的三張連勝的專輯——《Off The Wall》、《Thriller》(史上最暢銷)和《Bad》,Jackson成為了復興的大師,他的每一個舞步都讓之前的一切變得不合時宜。
“關於他的腳步……登上排行榜的最年輕歌手;打破了MTV不可言說的種族藩籬;在全世界賣出了7.5億張唱片。如何做到的?為什麼能這樣?因為Michael Jackson唱著與眾不同的天籟:他把搖滾、R&B和舞曲混合得金光燦爛,他統一了電臺的長波和短波,他統一了黑與白,他統一了昨天和明天,——戴著一隻手套,單槍匹馬地觸及了地球的心臟,搖動了地球的屁股。

“歡迎來到Michael Jackson的世界。”

iTunes Picks the Best of 2009
By Ian Paul, PCWorld    Dec 31, 2009 7:44 AM

It's that time of year again when the endless, and always entertaining, year-end lists come out. The search engines have already had their say with
Yahoo's top searches of 2009 , the most popular search questions of 2009 , and the top search term of the year . But no series of year-in-review articles would be complete without the hottest selections from the iTunes Store--one of the most popular retail stores on the planet.
The editorial team at iTunes spent some time before the holidays mulling over what they believe to be the best of the best in all of iTunes' departments including Music, Movies, Television, Podcasts, Audiobooks, and of course, iPhone Apps. You can check out the complete iTunes Rewind 2009: The Best of the Year compilation on the iTunes Store, but here are some highlights from each category.
The iTunes editorial team kicked off their best of 2009 series with a nicely curated mix of music from the past year. With the untimely passing of Michael Jackson in June, iTunes decided to honor the King of Pop as its Artist of the Year. Top album of the year honors were given to Kings of Leon's fourth studio album, Only By the Night, and Lady GaGa was chosen as Best New Artist.
I would highly recommend listening to the iTunes Rewind podcast #63 where the iTunes editors explain their music picks in greater detail including their reasoning for choosing Lady Gaga, an artist who debuted in August 2008, as Best New Artist for 2009. The list is simply too large to reprint here, but you can check out the complete music selection on iTunes .

