

可愛的 uncle Doo Doo MJ

"Taj, This book is valuable, I was only 3 years old when it came out. Cherish it always.
Love,uncle Doo Doo MJ

愛你的叔叔 嘟嘟 MJ

MICHAEL衣服上的“Doo Doo”“Doo Doo”的由來
來源  作者:lina19900224

這些小調皮鬼們繼  Apple Head(笨蛋)之後又給MICHAEL取了Doo Doo這個外號,
也欣然接受,人家採訪問:“MICHAEL,為什麼他們叫你Doo Doo?

Doo Doo
可能,Doo Doo的稱號就是由這件外套而誕生的。
亦可能,MICHAEL喜歡Doo Doo或是其發音而印在了外套上。

This is fragment from 3T interview
Why do you call Michael "Uncle Doo Doo"?
Taryll: As you know, he's stupid (laughs). He does silly things.
Taj: It's one of the thousand nicknames he gave himself. Even when he's away, we stay in touch with him. We send him letters and he answers. He signs his letters "Uncle Doo Doo," it's just to do something silly.

So there's no real meaning behind it?
Taj: No! (laughs) I'm sorry, I wish there was one!

Macaulay Culkin: 'I'm Michael Jackson's Doo Doo Head'

HOLLYWOOD - Previously unseen court documents have revealed child star Macaulay Culkin was affectionately known as 'Doo Doo Head' by close pal Michael Jackson as part of a secret Neverland society.

The papers, recently unsealed by California judges following the singer's child molestation trial last year, contain a photograph of Culkin obtained from Jackson's bedroom.
Gossip site reports that an accompanying police memo says, "The photograph had a message written on it. The message stated, 'To Apple Head. Always remember keep Apple Head Club Doo Doo Head Alive.'" The photograph was signed by Culkin who added 'Doo Doo Head' after his name.
It is believed the Apple Head Club was a secret society Jackson encouraged his young friends to join.
Home Alone star Culkin testified in Jackson's defense last year, insisting the “Thriller” singer had never molested him despite testimony of former Neverland workers to the contrary

對 uncle Doo Doo 的懷念

我的舅舅doo doo對我而言,不只是一個舅舅而已,他還是我的英雄,我的導師,我的朋友,我的靈感啟蒙。


我在他的植物和草地間亂跑,他大笑大叫,“doo doo 你可別吃進髒東西啊!我說。。。
3個禮拜前我們甚至才通過電話,謝謝你,doo doo,我還沒告訴過你這些——你給了我一生中最美的回憶。


''I wanted to write this blog to basically thank all of you for your many messages of condolences to me and my family. Im sorry I havent been able to write any of you back but you must understand to even talk about what just happen still breaks my heart.
My Uncle doo doo was more than a uncle to me he was my hero, my mentor, my friend, my inspiration. Everything I know and do was and has been guided by him whenever I was sad and didnt wanna go on he would tell me to develope rhinoceros skin because the best is yet to come. He never wanted me or any of my cousins to be anything less than perfect because he knew since he set the path with his genius we were gonna be judged in a hard way but his attitude and message was WORK no matter what do your best.
Words cant even describe the type of loving memories he has giving me from letting me fly across the world during school to go on the history tour because I called crying saying how much I missed him, him teaching me how to drive at age 9 at neverland and me running all over his plants and grass and him laughing screaming, "doo doo stop eating dirt" or Just driving up to Neverland to have dinner followed by a water balloon fight he gave me the most magically childhood. Just 3 weeks ago we were talking and I said to him, "Thankyou doo doo Ive never told you this but you have given me the best memories of my life" His Response was with excitement, "REALLY? oh bless your heart applehead." Totally surprised thats the type of person he was he never did things because he was trying to change your life he truly just wanted to make anyone and everyone who was close to him happy.

I wanna believe this is all a bad dream and I wake up and call him and we talk about whatever random thing we always did but this is the horrible reality of life. He will always be with me in my heart I love him with all my soul and I CANT WAIT to see him again. My main obligation now is to give his children my little cousins the love, care, and joy he gave me for the rest of their life.''

My Uncle Michael Jackson, by Steveanna Jackson

Everyone knew my uncle Michael as one of the greatest performers that ever lived and while I don’t argue that, he was just simply uncle Mike to me. We called him uncle doo doo affectionately because he loved to joke around and play, all the time. He would call me and my brother up in the middle of the night, we hadn’t talked to him for months and he would prank call us using a different voice! We thought it was so funny until we found out it was him. The media may have said a lot of stuff about my uncle that wasn’t true but he never had to convince his family, we always knew what kind of person he was. I remember going to school and having to stand up for my uncle many times because kids knew that it would hurt me and my brothers.

I remember all my friends thought I was cool because I was Michael Jackson’s niece but I thought my uncle was the coolest because he always had the time for me and always had a good heart. He never said no to us kids, we have a huge family and whenever Michael was around, and he laughed, tickled and played with us (yes, even when we got grown and older). People painted this picture of my family as being distant and not close, but we all were. We had family day where we would pick a day and somebody’s house, then we would all come and just have fun. I remember for my 7th birthday my uncle was on tour, he gave my mom the keys to Neverland and we had my party there, all my cousins had their birthday parties at Neverland. It was tradition! Another memory for me is my uncle calling me Applehead, he calls everyone in our family apple head, even my cousins Prince, Paris and Blanket. It was a comfort word for him. I will miss him dearly and always have memories of happy times but in my heart, as long as I can hear my uncle’s laugh, his voice, still remember his hugs and kisses, then my uncle will never pass on. He is always with me!

I love you

Uncle Doo Doo and Brandi (Jackie's daughter) -- LA Gear Photo Shoot.

