

《The Ultimate Collection Of Michael jackson》中的古詩

作者:Keen  2004年11月28日


MY WISH FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD... FROM MY HEART... taken from ancient writings... I love you, Michael Jackson

Peaceful be Heaven
Peaceful the Earth
Peaceful the Broad Space between
Peaceful for us be the running waters

Peaceful the plants and herbs
Peaceful to us be the signs of the future
Peaceful what is done and undone
Peaceful to us be what is and what will be
May all to us Gracious be



事實上,邁克爾·傑克遜摘抄來祝福所有人的古老詩句是來源於古印度經典《阿闥婆吠陀》(Atharva Veda)。而"吠陀"是印度最古老的宗教和經典,也是印度最古老的文學遺產,流行於西元前2000年代印度西北部雅利安人遊牧部落中。在吠陀教展成婆羅門教之後,吠陀仍是婆羅門教的經典。印度教因襲婆羅門教,也要求在原則上信奉吠陀,雖並不要求完全恢復古代的吠陀。
1)《梨俱吠陀》(Rig Veda),贊誦。   
2)《阿闥婆吠陀》(Arharva Veda),祈禳。  
3)《姿摩吠陀》(Sama Veda),歌詠。  
4) 《夜柔吠陀》(Yajur Veda),祭祀。

Atharva Veda 19.9:

Peaceful be heaven, peaceful the earth,
peaceful the broad space between.
Peaceful for us be the running waters,
peaceful the plants and herbs!

Peaceful to us be the signs of the future,
peaceful what is done and undone,
peaceful to us be what is and what will be.
May all to us be gracious!

This supreme Goddess, Word, inspired by Brahman,
by which the awe-inspiring is created,
through her to us be peace!

This supreme Spirit, inspired by Brahman,
by which the awe-inspiring is created,
through it to us be peace!

These five sense organs, with the mind as the sixth,
within my heart, inspired by Brahman,
by which the awe-inspiring is created,
through them to us be peace!

Gracious be Mitra. gracious Varuna,
gracious Vishnu and Prajapati,
gracious to us be Indra and Brhaspati,
gracious to us Aryaman.

Gracious be Mitra, gracious Varuna,
gracious be Vivasvant and Death,
gracious the calamities of earth and atmosphere,
gracious the wandering planets.

Gracious to us be the trembling earth,
when struck by the fiery meteor.
Gracious be the cows yielding red milk,
gracious be the earth receding.

Gracious be the constellations struck by the meteor,
gracious incantations and all magic!
Gracious to us be buried charms,
the meteors and plagues that afflict us.

Gracious to us be the stars and the moon,
gracious the sun and Rahu,
gracious be Death with his banner of smoke,
gracious the powerful Rudras.

Gracious be the Rudras, gracious the Vasus,
gracious the Adityas and Agnis,
gracious to us be the god-like sages,
gracious all the Gods and Brhaspati.

Brahman, Prajapati, Dhatr, the worlds,
the Vedas, the Seven Sages, and the fires,
prepare for me a blessed path!
May Indra be my refuge,
may Brahman be my refuge,
may all the Gods be my refuge!
May the Gods united be my refuge!

May whatever appeasements there are in the world,
known by the Seven Sages,
may they all be gracious to me!
May peace be with me!
May fearlessness be with me

Peace be to earth and to airy spaces!
Peace be to heaven, peace to the waters,
peace to the plants and peace to the trees!
May all the Gods grant to me peace!
By this invocation of peace may peace be diffused!
By this invocation of peace may peace bring peace!
With this peace the dreadful I now appease,
with this peace the cruel I now appease.
with this peace all evil I now appease,
so that peace may prevail, happiness prevail!
May everything for us be peaceful!


