

Rose Fine, Michael 童年時的家庭老師

Regarding Rose Fine

While on the road as a young child, Michael Jackson and his brothers were tutored by a Jewish woman by the name of Rose Fine. He spoke very highly of Rose and we wanted to share his words.

Caring Michael: Miss Rose Fine who was Michael and his brothers tutor when they were young and on tour. Some of Michaels thoughts on Rose in 2002.
Edited: …
Rose Fine, who was my beloved childhood tutor and who traveled with me and my brothers when we were all in the Jackson Five. MJ: After the show I would run into [Rose Fine’s] room. We’d read and have warm milk and I needed that so b…adly. She would always say to me, “The door’s open”, and she would leave her door open.
“It was Rose who instilled in me a love of books ,and literature that sustains me today. I read everything I could get my hands on. New cities meant new places to shop. We loved to shop, especially in bookstores and department stores,” “She [Miss Rose Fine] taught me the wonderful world of books and reading and I wouldn’t be the same person if it wasn’t for her.” ~
Q: Rose Fine, although she wasn’t your biological mother, was able to show you a lot of motherly affection?
MJ: And boy did I need it. I was never with my mother when I was little, very seldom, and I had a wonderful mother. I see her as an angel, and I was always gone, always on tour, doing back-to-back concerts, all over America , overseas, clubs, just always gone. [Rose Fine] was with us all the way from the very first professional tour of the Jackson 5 until I was eighteen.
MJ: Rose died this year, Janet and myself, we paid for her nurse and her hospital care, or if her television broke down or the electricity, or there was anything wrong with the house, we would cover the bills. Now her husband is sick, so I am taking care of him, and because we felt she is our mother and you take care of your mother… She was more than a tutor and I was so angry at myself that when she died I was far, far away. I couldn’t get there.
Michael also tells that when they were touring on the planes, the authorities would ask Rose who she was as she was the only white lady travelling with them and Rose would say she was ‘their mum’. —
… Rose Fine, a Jewish woman who was my beloved childhood tutor and who traveled with me and my brothers when we were all in the Jackson Five.
Rose Fine, 我童年時最親愛的老師,當我和哥哥們在Jackson 5時,一起巡迴旅行。
MJ: After the show I would run into Rose’s room. We’d read and have warm milk and I needed that so badly. She would always say to me, “The door’s open”, and she would leave her door open.
You think she saw you as her son?
MJ: She called me her son…
Did she show you unconditional love?
MJ: Yes.
So you think unconditional love can be shown even by two people who are not related by blood?
MJ: Oh my God, yes, of course. I think I learned it through her and I have seen it and I have experienced it. It doesn’t matter with blood or race or creed or color. Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away. I see it in the children’s eyes. When I see children, I see helpless little puppies. They are so sweet. How could anybody hurt them?
Rose Fine, although she wasn’t your biological mother, was able to show you a lot of motherly affection?
Rose Fine, 雖然她不是你的親生母親,但給了你許多母愛?
MJ: And boy did I need it. I was never with my mother when I was little, very seldom, and I had a wonderful mother. I see her as an angel, and I was always gone, always on tour, doing back-to-back concerts, all over America , overseas, clubs, just always gone. Rose was with us all the way from the very first professional tour of the Jackson 5 until I was eighteen.
我非常需要那些我小時候很少和母親在一起,我有一個特別好的母親,我把她看作天使,但我經常離家,總在不停巡演,走遍了美國各地、海外、俱樂部,總是離家。Rose Fine與我們一路從最初的Jackson 5巡迴時,直到我十八歲。
And she would teach you during the day?
MJ: Aha.
Regular subjects? Mathematics? English? She taught all the five of you together?
常規的科目? 數學?英文?她一起教你們5?
MJ: Yes, together, three hours. She taught Janet, all of them.
MJ: Rose died this year, Janet and myself, we paid for her nurse and her hospital care, or if her television broke down or the electricity, or there was anything wrong with the house, we would cover the bills. Now her husband is sick, so I am taking care of him, and because we felt she is our mother and you take care of your mother…
You really felt like that?
MJ: Absolutely. She was more than a tutor and I was so angry at myself that when she died I was far, far away. I couldn’t get there.
… it hurt when I came to the door to see her and I went, “Mrs. Fine, it’s Michael”, and she would go, “You are not Michael”… That hurts so much. Growing old is not always pretty. It’s sad.
J5中的學齡成員無論走到哪里都要完成學業。作為私立學校的學生,他們每天必須要花3小時補習功課。JanetRandy(左)正在年小學,而LaToyaMarlonMichael(右)正在家庭教師Rose Fine女士的指導下做英文練習題。Jackson家人對待學習是非常認真的。


寫家庭作業…JanetRandyRose Fine.

翻譯: shell88 校對:lovelymj
SB: 什麼?
SB: 還記得你跟我說過的猶太導師的故事嗎?

MJ:Rose Fine?
SB: 你有一次在電話裡說過,她常常對你說,那一次飛機上人人都將要死去了,那時有一個修女在飛機上。
MJ: 她說:“我們很好,我們坐在飛機上,我們如此有信念。我查過了,飛機上沒有修女。”我總是相信那些。
SB: 你還在尋找那名修女嗎?
MJ:我想過! 我從未在飛機上見過修女. [Rose Fine] 幫了我許多,因為她握住我的手,擁抱我. 演出結束後我會跑回房間,我們一起讀書,喝熱牛奶,我非常需要這些。她總對我說:“門是開著的。”她總是會讓她的門敞開。
SB: 一個人可否像愛自己的骨肉那樣去愛其他孩子?你愛孩子們就愛像PrinceParis那樣嗎?
SB: 我總可以注意到一件令人印象深刻的事,當我說“PrinceParis很美麗”,你總說“不。所有孩子都很美麗”。你不讓我只是稱讚PrinceParis
MJ:對我來說是這樣的。我在所有孩子身上都看到了美....對我來說他們都是美麗的. 他們如此美麗,我愛他們所有人 - 平等地. 我常和不同意我的人們爭論。他們說你應該愛自己的孩子更多些.
SB: Rose Fine, 雖然她不是你的親生母親,但給了你許多母愛?
MJ: 我非常需要那些. 我小時候很少和母親在一起,我有一個特別好的母親,我把她看作天使,但我經常離家,總在不停巡演,走遍了美國、國外、俱樂部,總是離家。(Rose Fine)幫助了我許多. 我們(Janet和我)照顧她直至她去世. 她最近剛去世。
SB: 你是否認為我們這個專案的背景文字中應該提到她?
SB: 她多大年紀了?
MJ:她從來不告訴我她的年齡。我想她有九十多歲了。她過去常說“我退休後就會告訴你我的年齡。”但當她退休時還是沒有告訴我。她從Jackson 5第一次職業巡演時直至我18歲和我們在一起. 第一次巡演是在我們有大的突破-第一首熱門單曲之後。她總有權力,比如說如果演唱會開始太晚,她有權力中止演出,因為教育部門會說“孩子不能超過法定時間”。她總讓(演出)繼續。她不會傷害觀眾。
SB: 她在白天教你知識嗎?
SB: 常規的科目? 數學?英文?她一起教你們5?
MJ:是的, 一起, 3個小時. 她教Janet, 所有人..
SB: 跟我多說些她的事情。
MJ: 好的,Rose今年去世了. Janet和我支付了她的護理和醫院治療費用, 如果她的電視機壞了,電費或家裡的修理費用我們都付帳。現在她的丈夫病了,我也在照顧他。我們感覺她就像我們的母親,照顧母親是應該的。 (kokomitatami和小魚,常聊到,一致都認為老爺擁有不少的中國傳統特質....)
SB: 你真的那樣感覺?
MJ:絕對的。她不僅僅是一個教師。她去世時我在很遠的地方,這令我很生自己的氣,我不能趕去。我當時在瑞士,EvvyMichael的秘書)在電話裡告訴我她去世了. 我說“什麼?我在瑞士,我無法......"我生自己的氣,但我還是盡我所能。)
SB: 一個孩子會如何應對這些事呢? ...跳過...)你認為變老是一種詛咒嗎?
MJ: 在某種意義上,當身體開始生病的時候。但我曾見到過當老人重返童年,他們變得非常愛玩耍好似孩童一般。我與老人們有很好的關係因為他們有孩子般的特質。當我去醫院時,我總能設法偷溜進另一個房間去和老年人說話。我兩天前去醫院時還這麼做來著, 他們很甜蜜,他們像孩子一樣歡迎你。他們說“進來”然後我們談話。他們單純而又甜蜜。
老年人和孩子非常相像。他們無憂無慮,自由玩耍,單純而又甜蜜。這是一種心靈的感覺。我造訪老人院不像孤兒院那麼多。許多人有老年癡呆症,不認得人。但我與老年人的關係還是相當不錯。我喜歡和老年人交談,他們可以告訴你他們小時候的故事以及世界在那時是什麼樣子,我喜歡這些。很久以前在紐約有一個老猶太人告訴我“要永遠對你的天賦心存感激,永遠為不幸的人們付出,幫助其他人". ( 這位老人告訴Mike一個故事,小的時候父親經常給他一些衣服和麵包,讓他放在別人的門前,敲門後就跑開,這樣別人就不知道是誰做的)
SB: 你曾嘗試作匿名慈善行為嗎?
MJ: 是的,不會張揚. [Michael上面提到的人] 真正的慈善是發自心底而發而不是為了獲得讚譽, 他跑開後人們就不知道誰留下了那些東西,仿佛是上帝留在那的,不是嗎? 這真是太美好了,我從未忘記這個故事.我聽到這個故事的時候大約11.他是一位老者,非常甜蜜,一個猶太人,我記得.
Michael : 她教給我書本和閱讀的精彩世界. 如果沒有她,我就不是今天的我.我對她很感激,這就是為什麼我將新專輯獻給她.
SB: 你是否認為她把你看作兒子?
MJ:她稱我為她的兒子. 每次上飛機時你都能看到7個黑人小孩子和一個黑人父親,都是非洲式蓬蓬髮型,然後一位白人猶太老婦人在後面,他們會攔住她,"你是誰?",她就會說"我是母親",她每次都那麼說,然後他們就放行了.甜蜜的故事.她很特別.我需要她.
SB: 她給了你無條件的愛嗎?
SB: 你認為在兩個沒有血緣關係的人之間也可以存在無條件的愛嗎?
MJ:,天啊,當然了. 我在她身上學到了這一點,我曾見過,也曾經歷過.那跟血緣、種族、教義、膚色都無關.愛就是愛,它打破所有界限,你能看到它.我在孩子的眼睛中看到它.當我看著孩子,我看到無助的小狗.他們真甜美.怎麼有人能傷害他們?他們那樣美妙.
SB: 她今年去世了,這意味著你必須應對悲傷.一個孩子如何應對悲傷呢? 孩子生活在天堂裡,那是我們試圖描繪的完美世界.成人大多在他們的戰爭,嫉妒和世故中被腐蝕了,然後死亡突然降臨,即使孩子也必須面對死亡.你如何面對死亡?一個孩子又如何面對死亡呢?
MJ: 是的.我不得不面對死亡,這很難.

