

Quincy Jones 的女兒Rashida Jones 在最近的一次訪談中回憶起她的朋友Michael

 來源  作者:Sara_Lee

Michael 實際上就是跟我們一起長大的,因為這個緣故,我的許多回憶都與他有關。那時候,不是我們去他家就是他過來我們家。毋庸置疑,他確實有些與常人不一樣的地方。

Michael 給我的感覺就好像他與我同齡似的,而不是真的比我年長18歲,唯一的區別就是他更調皮一些。後來,我們還經常一起去市里轉悠,外出時,他總是戴著醫用口罩。

Michael 還有Emmanuel Lewis 偷偷地把水槍(Super Soakers)帶上了車,然後去了市中心。後來我們把車停靠在一家電影院的邊上,然後開始一起用水槍襲擊那些正在排隊的觀眾。那些措手不及的倒楣的人們,怎麼也料想不到他們剛剛遭受了KOP 率領 的小分隊的突襲”!


Now it can be revealed: Michael Jackson once led a team of Super Soaker assassins.

For one night, anyway. "Parks and Recreation" star Rashida Jones, whose father, Quincy Jones, produced Jackson's "Off the Wall" and "Thriller," describes in the new Playboy how she, her sister, and "Webster" star Emmanuel Lewis once helped Jackson douse unsuspecting moviegoers.

"Michael basically grew up with us, so I have a million memories of him," Jones told the magazine. "We were at each other’s house all the time. He was definitely a little bit of an alien, for sure, and when I was young, it felt as if he was my age, not 18 years older,  but with just a little bit more pep.

"Later, we’d go out on the town together. He always wore those surgical masks," she said. "Once, my sister, Michael, ­Emmanuel Lewis and I got in a car with Super Soakers and went by a movie theater and supersoaked the hell out of people waiting in line. They had no idea they’d just been supersoaked by the King of Pop."
Michael Jackson and Emmanuel Lewis

