

有多少音樂人是MJ的門生?一篇感人真摰的感謝文(by Darren Hayes)

來源 作者:雲真真

Darren Hayes 是因為MJ才做音樂的( 一位元澳洲音樂人, 他是邁迷,其中一首最著名的歌曲就是受到fall again 影響而創作的),碧昂斯 Beyonce也說過,沒有邁邁,她就不會站在舞臺上,小賈斯汀Justin Beiber 也很受MJ影響吧?還有多少人是受他影響而加入樂壇呢?


這是Darren Hayes寫的短文
The man with a child in his eyes (From Darren Hayes Official Myspace)

When I was a little boy, he was my hero.
When I was a young man, he was my sanity.
Taking me away from the pain in my life and filling my heart with joy and wonder.

When I was 13 I saw him live in concert and from the second he arrived on stage I knew what I was going to do for the rest of my life. It was September 1987 and I have to this day never seen anything more extraordinary. To this day I've never seen a reaction from audience like the one he received. I've never seen magic and glitter fly through the air and witness that electricity start up hearts the way he did that night. And now I'm certain the world never again will. Thank you Michael Jackson. On behalf of dreamers the world over. The world is a duller place without you. I'm so privileged to have lived in the same lifetime to witness even a moment of your glory. 

當我還是13歲的時候,我曾經看過他的現場演出,由他出場那一刻開始,我就知道我下半生要從事什麼事兒。那是1987年的九月,這天之前我從未目睹過這麼奇異非凡的事。我從未見過台下觀眾會給予臺上的表演者如斯反應。魔法和光華閃爍於空氣之中,那一晚,我親眼目睹他的表演散發能量,開啟了觀眾的心靈。現在,我相信這世上再沒有一個人可以做到。代表全世界的夢想家: 多謝你,邁克爾 傑克遜。沒有你,這世界只是更加暗淡。我是多麼的榮幸,曾經和你共存於這世上,見證過你的榮耀,即使那只是短暫的片刻。



