



1980 the 53rd Annual Academy Award
MJ跟漂亮寶貝波姬小絲)Brooke Shields1965531出生的Brooke Shields1978年認識了大她7歲的麥可,倆人感情真正增長接近的時刻約在1984年波姬.小絲19歲左右時候的事。

1984 Guinness World Records

On February 7,1984, CBS threw a huge party at New York ’s Museum of Natural History for 1,200 guests to celebrate the mega-million success of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

對照MJ當年如日中天的天王巨星地位,Brooke Shields當時被媒體公認是最匹配得上MJ的一位女孩,從80年代到90年代,倆人認識時間超過10年,直到1993年波姬.小絲結識網球職業選手阿格西,並於1997419步入結婚禮堂。波姬.小絲最近才承認22歲前的她還是處女,直到當年才獻給別人。

然而在1993年歐普拉(Oprah)專訪,麥可提到當時經常約會的對像是波姬.小絲,顯然是她記錯了, 因為1993年波姬.小絲仍陪伴麥可出席了葛萊美(Grammy)領取當代傳奇獎。


Michael was one of a kind. Thinking back to when we met and the many times that we spent together and whenever we were out together and there would be a picture taken, there would be a caption of some kind. And the caption usually said something like, "an odd couple" or "an unlikely pair." But, to us, it was the most natural and easiest of friendships. I was 13 when we met. And from that day on, our friendship grew. Michael always knew that he could count on me to support him or be his date, and that we would have fun no matter where we were.
   Michael是獨一無二的。回想我們相識並共同度過的許多時光,那時無論我們走到哪裡都會被拍照,並被冠上奇怪的一對不太登對的情侶的標題。但是,對我們而言,那是最自然、最簡單的友誼。我們相遇時我13歲。從那天起,我們的友誼不斷增長。 Michael總是知道他能相信我,並且支持他、做他的女友,無論我們到哪裡都能玩得很開心。
   We had a bond, and maybe it was because we both understood what it was like to be in the spotlight from a very, very young age. I used to tease him, and I'd say, you know, "I started when I was 11 months old. You're a slacker. You were what, 5?". Both of us needed to be adults very early. But when we were together, we were two little kids having fun.
    We never collaborated together. We never performed together. Or danced on the same stage. Although, he did try in vain one night to unsuccessfully teach me the moonwalk. And he just basically just shook his head and crossed his arms at my attempt. We never filmed a video or recorded a song, but what we did do was laugh. It was a competition to see who could make the other one laugh more or be sillier. Michael loved to laugh, and his heart would just burst out of him when he was laughing. He adored it when I did silly imitations or told him stories about my life.
    我們從沒合作過。我們從來沒有共同演出或同時期跳過舞。雖然有一晚他試圖教會我月球漫步,但失敗了。他其實只是對我的動作搖搖頭,雙手交叉胸前。我們從沒有拍過錄影帶或錄製過歌曲,但我們確實一起開懷大笑過。就像我們比賽誰能令對方大笑或誰裝得更傻。 Michael喜歡笑,當他大笑時,他的感情會連同笑聲一起流露。他喜歡我滑稽的模仿或告訴他關於我生活上的故事。
MJ's laugh was the sweetest and purest laugh of anyone's I had ever known. His sense of humor was delightful, and he was very mischievous. I remember the night before Elizabeth Taylor's wedding and he had called me prior and asked if I would join him. He didn't want to be alone for all the festivities. It was the night before the big day.
Michael and I tried to sneak in to get the first peek of the dress. We were just giggling like crazy, and we almost passed out in his hysterics when we realized that Elizabeth was actually asleep in the bed. We thought she was in an entirely different room. We had to laugh and sneak out. Then, at the point of the wedding when there was the first dance, basically, we had to joke that we were the mother and father of the bride.
Yes, it may have seemed very odd to be outside, but we made it fun and we made it real. When he started wearing the glove, I was like, "What's up with the glove?". I'm like, "Look , if you are going to hold my hand, it better be the non-gloved one because sequins really hurt me." He used to shake his head and he would just smile. He loved to be teased. Seeing him smile made you feel like everything was going to be all right.
To the outside world, Michael was a genius with unchallenged ability. To the people who were lucky enough to know him personally, he was caring and funny, honest, pure, non-jaded and he was a lover of life. He cared so deeply for his family. And his friends. And his fans.
  He was often referred to as the King, but the Michael that I knew always reminded me more of the little prince. Thinking of him now, I would like to share a passage from the book. "What moves me so deeply about this sleeping prince is his loyalty to a flower. The image of a rose shining within him like the flame within a lamp, even when he is asleep. And I realized he was even more fragile than I had thought. Lamps must be protected. A gust of wind can blow them out."
    Michael's sensitivity was even more extraordinary than his talent, and his true truth resided in his heart. As the little prince also said, "Eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart. What's most important is invisible." Michael saw everything with his heart. To his family, his brothers and sisters, Katherine, Joe, and to his children, Prince, Paris, Blanket, my prayers are with you.
Michael的敏感甚至比他的天賦更超乎常人,關於他的真相都隱藏在他心裡。如同小王子曾說的:眼睛看不到的,你必須用心去看。最重要的事是看不見的。”Michael用心去看身邊一切事物。此致他的家人、他的兄弟姐妹、母親凱瑟琳、父親喬與他的孩子Prince, Paris, Blanket,給予我的祝福。
Michael's favorite song was not one of the countless masterpieces that he gave us but it was a song that Charlie Chaplin wrote for the movie "Modern Times." It's called "Smile." There is a line in the song that says, "Smile though your heart is aching." Today, although our hearts are aching, we need to look up where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon, and we need to Smile."
Michael最喜歡的歌,不是他留給我們數之不盡的傑作當中的唯一,但它是一首卓別林為電影"摩登時代"創作的歌,這首歌叫做"微笑",當中有句歌詞是說,"微笑,儘管你的心在隱隱作痛。今天,儘管我們感到痛心,我們也要抬頭仰望他所棲息的那彎明月,我們必須微笑 "

"我與波姬.小絲(波姬.小絲Brooke Shields)在奧斯卡頒獎晚會上認識的。因為我沒有邀請她,她便主動來邀我跳舞。你知道,我非常害羞,容易局促不安。她於是對我說,今晚我要和你跳舞。我說,好啊。於是我們一起走進舞池開始跳舞。那時放的是懷舊的Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey的音樂,沒有什麼舞曲節奏。
開始時,所有禿頭的老年人在舞池中慢舞,伴著那種Lawrence Welk音樂。我們實在無法融入,於是我們就開始聊天,慢慢地瞭解對方。我們交換了電話號碼,回去後我們就打電話聊天,然後漸漸地我們就成了真正的好朋友。

