

地亞哥的一個居民敍述了當年MJ的一個感人小故事 2009/06/26 /michael-jackson-saved-my-grandma/

中文來源   翻譯:孤蒼殘月
   “199712月,我的外婆和外公——Joseph Concetta Delisi坐飛機從紐約到洛杉磯,到我家來過耶誕節。飛行了一段時間,我外婆的身體漸漸出現了問題,一開始是胃部的不適,後來竟然暈倒在過道上。當她醒過來,看到有個人坐在旁邊,並傾斜著身子握著她的手,這就是MJ



在路上MJ和外公外婆一起看了MJ最喜歡的電影之一——Men In Black》。




Michael Jackson Saved My Grandma
Friday, 26th June 2009

in december 1997, my maternal grandparents, joseph and concetta delisi, were on an american airlines flight from JFK to LAX. sitting coach, they were visiting my family for christmas.

a couple of hours into the flight, my grandma (literally) falls ill. what started as a stomach ache, ended with granny fainting and tumbling into the aisle.

when she awakes, hovering above (next to my grandpa) and holding out his hand, michael jackson .

“are you o.k.?” mj asked, in his delicate voice.

he helps grandma up, and invites my grandparents to join him in first class. they accept.

while grandma rests, grandpa enjoys first class service and chats it up with jackson

. they discuss family, food, and italy (gramps favorite subjects.)

upon landing, michael offers to drive my grandparents from LAX to my folks house (in the valley.) once again, they accept.

with grandma getting pushed through the airport in wheelchair, they make their way to MJ’s limo. however, in an effort to dodge paparazzi, they’re forced to make three limo transfers by jackson ’s security.

once settled and on the 405N, michael pops-in one of his favorite movies (at the time,) men in black. they watch it together.

once they arrive at my childhood home, mom opens the front door to find my grandparents standing on the stoop, with michael jackson behind them (holding their bags.)

MJ enters the house, puts the bags down, and stands in front of the christmas tree. he is enamored by its beauty and the “family spirit” in the home.

my mom, in utter shock, FAILS to grab a camera to document the event, instead invites michael jackson back for a christmas party. he politely declines, returns to his limo, and heads to neverland ranch.

while a photograph was never taken, he left our family with an amazing memory, one that showed us michael jackson ’s heart, soul, and genuine kindness.

oh, and this first class menu he signed on the plane

