

Michael Jackson在“Captain EO”:一個舞蹈演員的回憶

1986年,一部3000萬美元打造的太空歌劇Captain EO登陸狄斯奈樂園,它由邁克爾傑克遜主演,他在片中演唱了“We Are Here to Change the World” “Another Part of Me”。舞者瑪琳朗克雷曼回憶了當年的難忘經歷:面試的人成千上萬,她在排練時不小心打到了MJ的頭......接下來會發生什麼事?

翻譯:邁克爾傑克遜-音悅Tai飯團 / nellsky

1986年,邁克爾·傑克遜的Captain EO成為狄斯奈樂園一個景觀。這是一部3000萬美元打造的太空歌劇,由法蘭西斯·福特·科波拉導演,喬治·盧卡斯執行製片。除了絕佳的3D元素讓觀看仿如身臨其境——似乎巨大的太空岩石真的要砸在你身上,傑克遜在這部電影裏演繹了兩首歌“We Are Here to Change the World” “Another Part of Me”,還有自“Thriller”以來從未見過的獨特的爵士樂和街頭舞蹈的融合。

在這裏,洛杉磯的舞者/編舞瑪琳·朗克雷曼回憶了這次難忘的經歷。當年她被選中參演傑克遜的電影時,才19歲,在好萊塢舞蹈圈子裏還是一個相對的新手: Thriller之後,每一個舞蹈演員都希望能出演邁克爾的電影。試鏡我甚至無法和你描述,它就像海選面試,成千上萬的人排隊參加。我是一個年輕的舞者,但不少的舞者曾參與過他的Thriller拍攝,所以這一切對他們不陌生。 我偏執地懷疑導演和編舞傑佛瑞·霍納迪會恨我。他們把我安排在緊挨著邁克爾右邊,黃衣的金髮女郎克萊曼則在傑克遜的左邊跳舞。

那時正在製作歌舞劇“A Chorus Line” 的傑佛瑞真的是個天才。他通過觀察邁克爾跳舞,然後編排出邁克爾式的舞蹈動作。我們就是這樣學會的。在開頭我們有一個伸展雙臂的大舞蹈動作,它看起來就像一個空手道動作。我不小心戳到了邁克爾的頭,然後他摔倒在地上。我當時想,哦,上帝啊,我要被解雇了。但他只是笑著說,你真強 你能從他的身上感覺到驚人的能量。每一次,他都100%全力以赴。

從來沒有過我累了,讓我們做個記號吧。我們拍攝那天,那些來到劇組的人們·凱利,索菲亞·羅蘭他們都非常喜歡邁克爾。我當時不知道這部電影將會怎樣,在那裏我只是感覺快樂。我在金·凱利的面前跳舞!就算要我付錢我也願意這麼做。 老實說,這段經歷仍然跟隨著我。我現在編舞和做節目,有些人會發現20年前我參演過Captain EO,它給了我這一榮耀尊重的時刻。現在每個舞者都在談論,如果沒有邁克爾,他們就不會成為一名舞者。他的離世對舞蹈圈的影響是崩潰的。每個人都那麼地尊敬他。
Jun 29 2009
Michael Jackson in 'Captain EO': A fellow dancer remembers
by Lynette Rice

In 1986, Michael Jackson became a Disney park attraction in Captain EO, a $30 million “space opera” that was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and executive produced by George Lucas. Besides a nifty 3-D component that made it a real gas to watch — was that massive space rock really going to drop in your lap? — the film featured two of Jackson’s songs (“We Are Here to Change the World” and “Another Part of Me”) and a unique blend of jazz and street moves that hadn’t been seen since, well, “Thriller.” Here, dancer/choreographer Marlene Lang Clayman of Los Angeles — who, at 19, was a relative novice in the Hollywood dancing community when she was chosen to perform alongside Jackson in the film — reflects on the experience.

After Thriller, every dancer wanted to be in something Michael was involved in. The audition…I can’t even tell you, it was like a cattle call, thousands of people. I was such a young dancer, and a lot of the dancers were in Thriller with him, so it was old school for them. I was so paranoid the director and choreographer [Jeffrey Hornaday] would hate me. And then they put me right next to Michael [Clayman is the blonde in yellow who's dancing just left of Jackson in the clip below]. Jeffrey, who was doing A Chorus Line at the time, was a genius. He would watch Michael and choreograph steps off of Michael’s way of dancing. So that’s how we learned it. There was this one big move at the beginning where we’d bring our arms out; it looked like a karate kind of move. I literally nailed Michael in the head, and he fell to the ground. I was like, “Oh God, I’m fired.” He just said, “You’re strong” and laughed.

It was electrifying, the energy you felt off of him. He gave 100 percent, every time. There was no, “I’m tired, let’s just mark it.” And the day we shot…the people who came to the set! Gene Kelly, Sophia Loren…they all loved Michael.
I had no idea what was going to happen to the film afterward; I was just happy to be there. I was dancing in front of Gene Kelly next to Michael Jackson! I would have paid to do that. It still follows me, honestly. I’ll choreograph and do shows, and someone will find out I did Captain EO, like, 20 years ago, and it gives me this moment of respect. Every dancer is now talking about how, without Michael, they would not have been a dancer. It’s crazy how his death is affecting the dance community. Everybody respected him so much.

