

Michael Jackson —— 一個充滿愛心的人

來源    翻譯:Sara Lee

可能每個人的淚點都不一樣吧,我自認為不是一個會輕易掉淚的人,可今天在外網上看到下面這個小故事後,不知怎麼的,就一直感覺自己的眼睛酸酸的,特別有想流淚的衝動。。。其實故事本身也還蠻普通的,並不是關於MJ 的什麼驚人之舉,可能只是這件事正好觸到了自己的淚點,所以才讓我覺得特別感動。。。

Rick Steele
參加過越戰,退伍後就像當時許多有同樣經歷的年輕人一樣,白天去大學上課,晚上則去當保鏢掙錢,專門負責維護演唱會的安全和秩序。通常演唱會期間,他們這些保安都會身穿金黃色的T恤,把守在體育場的最前排。這份原本只是part-time 的臨時工作後來竟然成了他的職業,他在娛樂圈裏幹了20多年的保鏢工作,也因工作關係見過許多世界級的大明星。下面是Rick講述的的一段親身經歷:


那個星期一早上,裝載著各種演唱會所需設備和器材的大卡車陸續開進了克利夫蘭體育場,他們開始在那裏搭建舞臺並做各項準備工作,演唱會將在週末舉行。這期間,我和我的同事們也開始了保安工作,我們的任務主要是每天24小時輪流守在那裏,不讓那些好奇的外人靠近他們正在工作的地方。當時根據MJ 的明確要求,必須確保所有參加巡演的工作人員,其中也包括搭建舞臺的工人及那些負責燈光,音響和舞臺效果的工作人員等等,每人每天都可以享用上正規的三餐(不是速食),而且每晚工作結束時還要給大家提供一次加餐。

與此同時,我們這些臨時雇傭的保安人員則被當地的演唱會主辦方明令禁止進入食堂吃飯。每天早上我們所能得到的就是一杯咖啡(還是前一晚剩下的)外加一點點鹽(可以用來去掉過夜咖啡裏酸澀的味道)。這情形一直持續到有一天一個專門負責MJ 私人事務的經理好奇地問我為什麼不過去跟大家一起吃早餐。在聽我講了有關方面的規定後,他說:現在我們就來解決這個問題,你就呆在這兒,別走開!


後來,負責管我們的頭頭們還來問這是怎麼回事,MJ 的經理人回答說:這是上面的指示,是Michael 本人決定的。 今天早上我打電話,給他講了這個明顯具有歧視性質的規定,他聽後很氣憤。他要我確保這些保安也享有跟其他工作人員一樣的待遇,要讓他們吃飽吃好,否則,他將取消這裏的演唱會


正是因為他的這個簡單而又充滿愛心和體貼的行動,使得Michael Jackson 在我的心中和記憶裏永遠都會佔有一個特殊的位置。

Rick Steele  

Rick Steele michael jackson


這裏好奇地問一下TX們,用咱們國家時下的話來講,MJ 這樣做是不是就是在給保安們維權哪?


Michael Jackson was a man of compassion
July 3, 2009

For two decades, I worked in various segments of the entertainment industry. What began as a part-time job as a bodyguard ended with a lifetime of memories of so many top-name performers; stars such as the Rolling Stones, The Who, Bob Seger and Elton John and far too many to recall here and now.
As so many of the young men who came to this line of work, I was a returning veteran from Vietnam working his way through college, every night acting as a bodyguard for the world's biggest stars. We were the big fellows who wore the bright yellow shirts and stood in front of the stages at all the concerts in Cleveland and cities far away.
It was the 1980s, and the Jackson Tour was coming to the Cleveland Stadium that summer. Little did I know, this week-long event would come to define and remain paramount in my memory, only to come back in a flood of tears as the world now mourns the loss of an icon.
The Jackson tour was scheduled for the old Cleveland stadium. On Monday morning, all the trucks and equipment began arriving in preparation for the show that weekend. Several of my co-workers began our week's tour of duty at the stadium. Our schedule and duties were to work around the clock and keep on-lookers and the adventurous types out of the stadium. As for the remaining members of the work details such as stage hands, riggers, lighting people, sound and etc., well, Michael Jackson made it clear that he wanted those men and women to have a balanced meal cooked on scene three times per day plus a snack at the end of their shifts at night - with no shortcomings.
As for the security crew, we were forbidden to enter the dining hall per strict orders of the local promoter. Every morning, we would indulge in a cup of day old coffee and a pinch of salt to take away the harsh and bitter taste.
That is until one of Jackson 's personal managers inquired to why I was not eating breakfast with the rest of the crew. When I told her of the standing order she said, ''I will be right back, please do not move from here.''
Shortly thereafter, she returned and informed me that I was now ordered to gather all my men working security and, starting this morning, we were to sit down and enjoy three meals and the final snack just as all the rest of the working crew.
When questioned by our superiors, Michael's personal manager stated, ''This order comes from the top, Michael himself. I called him this morning and told him of this blatant act of discrimination and he was furious. He then told me to make sure those men were fed and fed well or else he would cancel the show.''
The man's music and style has eluded me over the decades. However, his kindness and humanitarian gestures remain etched in my memory. He was a bright star, the brightest in my lifetime. He was a super-nova burning far brighter than most humans and yet he still took the time to reach out to six young security guards to make sure even the lowest of his employees/staff were cared for with the same considerations as his closest managers were.
For that simple act of compassion and understanding, Michael Jackson holds a special place in my heart and now my memories.
Rick Steele

