

挪威冰蓋驚現哭泣人臉酷似Michael Jackson

Earth: She cried when he left her. This photo appeared on the internet the day Michael was interred at Forest Lawn,
September 3, 2009.


The earth we all share is…a living, nurturing being. She cares for us; she deserves our care in return.

I wanted to change the world, so I got up one morning and looked in the mirror. That one looking back said, “There is not much time left. The earth is wracked with pain, Children are starving. Nations remain divided by mistrust and hatred. Everywhere the air and water have been fouled almost beyond help. Do something!”

We’ve been treating Mother Earth the way some people treat a rental apartment. Just trash it and move on. But there’s no place to move on to now. We have brought our garbage and our wars and our racism to every part of the world. We must begin to clean her up, and that means cleaning up our own hearts and minds first, because they led us to poison our dear planet.

-Michael Jackson

I respect the secrets and magic of nature. That’s what makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening in our world. That every second I hear the size of a football field is torn down in the Amazon. I mean, that kind of stuff really bothers me. That’s why I write these kinds of songs. You know, to give some sense of awareness and awakening and hope to people. I love the planet. I love trees. I have this thing for trees. And the colours and the changing of leaves. I love it! And I respect those kinds of things.

I really feel that nature is trying so hard to compensate for man’s mismanagement of the planet. The planet is sick. Like a fever. If we don’t fix it now, it’s at the point of no return. This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have. Or it’s like a runaway train. And the time has come; this is it.

People are always saying, “Oh,” they think, “They’ll take care of it.” “The government’ll do…” “They’ll…” They who?? It starts with us. It’s US! Or else it’ll never be done.
-Michael Jackson, 2009 ... reatens-planet.html

據英國每日郵報報導,日前,攝影師在挪威奧斯特芬那冰蓋(Austfonna ice cap)拍攝到處於融化狀態的冰川呈現出一副逼真的哭泣人臉形狀。


由於冰帽融化導致的海平面上升是最令人擔憂的氣候轉暖效應之一,氣候專家警告稱,一些低海拔的地區很可能會被上升的海平面所吞噬。這張圖片是海洋攝影師兼環境學講師邁克爾-諾蘭(Michael Nolan)拍攝的,當時他在每年一度的海洋航行觀測冰川融化和周邊野生動物生存狀況。

一位冰川專家現已證實“哭泣人臉”冰帽正繼續收縮,在過去數十年裏,平均每年縮小160平方英尺。喬恩-奧維-哈根(Jon Ove Hagen)是世界冰川監控協會(WGMS)成員,他也是奧斯陸大學地球科學系教授,自從1988年他便開始著手研究奧斯特芬那冰蓋。





