

Michael Jackson speaks at Carnegie Hall, New York 2001


但是唯一的全部記錄,感謝這位偷拍的歌迷以下是MJ 視頻的原話

Heal The Kids/Carnegie Hall Address

On February 14, 2001 Michael Jackson's initiative 'Heal the Kids' presented a 'Valentine's Day Extravaganza' at Carnegie Hall , New York City, USA , featuring an all-star panel of celebrities and experts.

Michael welcomed the participants and the audience with the following words:

"I would like to welcome you to Carnegie Hall, ... the world's most famous concert hall to hear an entirely different kind of music -- a loftier melody. It's a more eternal song.
There are two kinds of music. One comes from the strings of a guitar, the other from the strings of the heart. One sound comes from a chamber orchestra, the other from the beating of the heart's chamber. One comes from an instrument of graphite and wood, the other from an organ of flesh and blood.

This loftier music I speak of tonight is more pleasing than the notes of the most gifted composers, more moving than a marching band, more harmonious than a thousand voices joined in hymn and more powerful than all the world's percussion instruments combined. That ... sweet and sound of love.

Just a generation ago, it was this sound that could be heard in every turn in every town. It was the sound of love that echoed in the livingroom when a father giggled with his son or a mother tickled a small infant child. It was the sound of love that echoed from children's literary classes as the parents read their children ... tales before they went to bed. And it was the sound of love that reverberated in their dinner conversations. Between parents and children, not just once a year but should be discovered everyday for peace and prosper.
Sadly, that sound has become a lost melody, a forgotten refrain, an empty tune and all we have in its place today is a dark and terrible noise. Instead of dinner conversations, there is the noise of video games. Instead of homework there is the din of the evening news. And instead of regular conversations between parents and children about the [webs of violence?], there is the ... sound -- the deafening sounds of silence.

Who among us would have believed that the sound of children at their playground would be replaced by the sound of automatic machinegun fire at our schools. That the sound of little girls skipping rope would be overshadowed by the frantic squeals of children dodging bullets. Yet instead of loving our children more we've installed metal detectors in our schools.

Are we blind to the fact that our children are raging against the indifference; crying out against the abandonment; of thundering against the neglect.
Heal The Kids is about doing something, about making a difference and trying to help adults and parents realize that its in our power to change the world that our children live in.
As a wise man once said, 'If not us, then who; if not now, then when?'
My friends, with 2 children of my own, I know what it means to have to balance the demand of family and career -- let's not even talk about finding a date for myself, even though... Even though Rabbi Shmuley keeps telling me he's going to find me the perfect woman, my response is: As long as it's not a journalist.
But learning how to strike this very necessary balance is what this special evening is all about.

In 3 weeks time, at Oxford University I will be delivering an address with strong implications for dealing with the parent-child relationship and giving an address that is certain to surprise you. Until then, I want to thank you all for coming out...showing your love. And I want to offer a couple of special thank-yous going .....that we have 100 ... New York City teachers with us .... I want to thank Steven Shaunfeld, he's a wonderful, wonderful. Everything he does for Heal the Kids is just incredible.
Together we can make a change for the better; together we can heal the world and make it a better place. God bless you all, I love you all."

"I love you too! (In response to the fans' screaming)

I want to thank you for participating. I truly hope that the thoughts expressed tonight will inspire all of us to love our children with all our hearts and souls. I would now like to take a moment to express my thanks to our participants. God Bless you all and I hope to see you at Oxford ."

  2001214,美國紐約卡內基音樂廳內明星和專家雲集,邁克爾傑克遜在此為“拯救兒童”的活動發表了題為“情人節盛典”的演講。他用下文來歡迎參與者和觀眾: “歡迎來到舉世聞名的卡內基音樂廳,這裏能聽到各種音樂和更高尚的旋律。







我的朋友們,作為兩個孩子的父親,我深知平衡家庭和事業的重要性-- 更別說為自己找個伴侶了,即使Rabbi Shmuley一直告訴我說要為我找到完美的另一半。我的回答是:“她只要不是記者就好。”


三個星期之後,我會在牛津大學發表演講,重點講述如何處理父母與子女的關係,我深信這會是場給你們驚喜的演講。那之前,我想感謝你們所有人的愛心參與。我也想特別感謝一些人。有100名紐約市教師和我們同在讓我萬分欣喜。我想感謝Steven Shaunfeld,一個大好人。他為“拯救兒童”所做的一切都令人難以置信。



