

Michael Jackson L.A告別式 Sheila Jackson Lee 致詞


Sheila Jackson Lee(D-Texas)

我是國會議員Sheila Jackson Lee。我是從德克薩斯州休斯頓來的,我是代表了許多的成員來的,代表了美國眾議院,代表了國會黑人聯盟,加州女領袖Barbara Lee,我也代表了每個男人和女人,我不會寫歌也不會跳舞,更不會唱歌,但是我卻知道一個美國故事,我要對Jackson夫婦說,我要對這個由兄弟姐妹組成的美妙的大家聽說,對Michael JosephCathrine Paris這些美妙的美麗的美國象徵說:作為一個國會議員我可以告訴你,我們瞭解憲法,也熟知法律,我們也深知,人人皆清白,除非憲法將其定罪,這才是憲法的精神所在!
我喜歡這個撒瑪利亞人的故事,它記錄了那些從艱難困苦中走出的人,一個毫無依靠的人,道路曲折,艱難前行,沒有人停下,除了他,也許會有不同的命運,這只關乎慈善與關愛。我稱他為善良的撒瑪利亞人,稱他為關愛世界的Michael Jackson
我和他一同長大,和你們中的一些人一樣,能有幸近距離與他接觸,當他來到我的國會辦公室,見到15位非洲大使和國家元首代表,他們坐在辦公室聆聽Michael Jackson講述,關於愛和對抗愛滋病,他們看著他眼泛淚光,十分動容,多麼不可思議的經歷呀!聽到MJ講述,並見證他的行動,然而某些人對他略有微詞,但我想知道,是否有人收到他的鼓舞?當他走進Watery醫院的時候,他經過長長的走道和一間間病房,那是在伊拉克戰爭期間,醫生駐足、護士也停步,甚至連殘疾的士兵都停住了,我們為Michael所感動,被他的情緒所感染,他到那裡,為他們所做出的犧牲致以深深的謝意,不需要對我說美國的故事是怎樣的,它是社會的中流砥柱,這個家庭施展著上帝賦予他們的才華,並為美國書寫了一段傳奇而精彩的故事。
我今天來,是要你們知道:旗幟在飄揚,眾議院的議員也要表達自己的心聲,他們發現,他們發言,而我們作為人民公僕,對人民的意願作出回應,Michael為所有受苦的人爭取權利,我以提及的事實和話語,也代表了大家的心聲,就是,Michael做得十分出色。他能夠理解,我希望Jackson夫婦以及他的家人知道,耶和華為我等領路人,我等心懷感激,人們應該記住Michael Jackson的故事,這和人們所熟知的故事不同,他是個樂善好施的人,如果有人燒傷,他會建立燒傷治療中心;醫院缺少病床,他會提供;發展中國家需要資助,他會捐款;在利比亞,他探訪孤兒,Michael從未停止過奉獻,他感化那些人,讓他們重塑人生,這位國王,是的,國王,他駐足在他們身旁,說:是的,我關心你,這也是為什麼在200975日的時候,一眾議院的議員,停下,停下,停下,為這位傳奇人物和偶像靜默一陣。
大家都不希望看到他離去,我想說:美國人民感謝曾經擁有Michael Jackson的歲月,所以,我們向眾議院遞請第600號決議,將會在眾議會議上進行討論。聲明:Michael Jackson是美國的傳奇人物、音樂偶像及人道主義者,將會被世人所銘記,永遠…永遠…直到永遠……
Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee
I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and I hale from Houston Texas but I come to you on behalf of the many members of the United State’s House of Representatives. I come to you on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman Barbara Lee, a Californian. And I come to you as every man and every woman for I cannot write music, or dance or sing but I do know an American story. To Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and his wonderful families of brothers and sisters and cousins, to Michael, Joseph, to Katherine and Paris, Prince, all of these wonderful, beautiful symbols of America. And I can tell you as a member of the United States Congress. We understand the Constitution. We understand Laws and we know that people are innocent until proven otherwise. That is what the Constitution stands for.
So I mourn today, I come too to thank you. For many people don’t understand the heats of entertainers. They don’t know how big their hearts are. They don’t know how they heal the world on behalf of America. When we’re at war our icons like Michael sing about healing the world and so he called us into public service. It did not matter whether we were black or white. He even told us to beat it, beat the violence. He told us to look at yourself in the mirror because it meant that if you were going to make a difference look at the man or woman in the mirror. I come to you today to say thank you. Some of you come from all faiths and we respect that here in America. But there is a story whose theme is so symbolic of this young and beautiful man.
 I love the story of the Good Samaritan because it talks about those who walk by the diminished, the devastated and the poor. This was a broken and beaten man lying along the road. No one stopped except someone called the Samaritan. It could be in any faith. It’ all about charity and love and I call Michael Jackson the Good Samaritan. I call him Michael Jackson who cared and loved for the world.
 It bothered me, I grew up with him as all of us and so many did. And so what an honor and a privilege to see him up close. When he came to the United States Congress in my office and looked some 15 African ambassadors, representatives of heads of states. Sitting in an office listening to Michael Jackson talk about caring and fighting HIV Aids. They looked at him, he had a twinkle, they listened, he listened. What a miraculous experience to be able to listen and see Michael in action. You know there were words cast about but I wonder if anybody was on his shoulder when he walked into Walter Reed Hospital and he walked along the aisles and the rows in the hospital rooms. This was in the mist of the Iraq War, doctors stopped, nurses stopped, and individual solders who had lost limbs stopped and were in essence moved and touched as Michael was by his desire to come and thank them for their sacrifices. So don’t tell me what an American story is all about; it is assault of the earth. With this family took the talent that God had given them and made it into a miraculous and wonderful story for America.
 I come today for you to recognize that the flag flies and the people who have spoken have spoken to the people’s house. They recognize and they speak and those of us who serve in elected office we respond to the people. Michael fought for the tolerance of all people. In fact I am reminded although I speak in the tongues of all faith that Michael fought the good fight. He was someone who understood and I hope Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and the family will know that the lord is our shepherd and we shall not want. Michael Jackson you got to know his story and it has not been told by all of what you’ve heard. He was someone who understood if he was burned, he built a burn unit. If a hospital needed beds, he built those beds. If they needed money for developing countries, Michael gave. If he was in…he went to orphanages. Michael never stopped giving and he touched those whose lives could be reconstructed, because the king, yes the king, the king stopped and said I care about you. That is why on the House floor on January 25, 2009 congressional black caucus and members of the House of Representatives stopped, stopped, stopped and had a moment of silence for this wonderful legend and icon
. And so to the family let me simply come and someone that wishes she was long lost Sheila Jackson Lee but I’ll keep looking and seeing by coming to say to you that America appreciates and thanks you for Michael Jackson’s life. For that reason we have introduced into the House of Representatives this resolution 600 that will debate on the floor of the house that claims Michael Jackson as an American Legend and musical icon a world humanitarian. Someone who will be honored forever and forever and forever and forever and forever. We are the world and we are better because Michael Joseph Jackson lived. On behalf of myself and the people who have spoken, Michael Jackson, I salute you.

