

Michael Jackson fans pay tribute in Brazil


It has been two years since millions of people around the world were shocked and saddened to hear that the so-called "king of pop" had died at the age of 50.

Many people still celebrate Michael Jackson's life and contribution to music and dance.

Gabriel Elizondo reports from the city of Sao Paulo on a family that has long been inspired by the late pop star.

Remi: The Queen of Brazilian Tastes

She has charmed the President of Brazil and
Michael Jackson with her cooking. Hollywood and Brazilian Royalty has savored her cuisine. Now it is the charmer that is being celebrated this year in song, parade, costume and dance to honor what she rightly has become: a Brazilian National Treasure.

DAVID DE HILSTER (2002, Brazzil Magazine)

While living in Brazil , one of my friends told me "
Michael Jackson loves Brazilian food. He eats black beans, rice, and collard greens!" I chalked it up to another one of those Brazilian tall tales and I left it at that. Many years later, that statement would come back to haunt me when I moved from Rio to Los Angeles and saw an article in a Brazilian newspaper talking about "Remi: Brazilian Cook to Michael Jackson and other Hollywood royalty". Instead of pulling my foot out of my mouth, I decided to put some of her food in it instead. My wife and I headed for the "Copacabana Restaurant" (no longer in business today) very near Hollywood and we tasted her food. And like the magic she has spun with the greats of Brazil and Hollywood , she captured our taste buds as well as our hearts.

That was over 10 years ago. She is now retired and living in Los Angeles . And this year, she is being honored as the theme or "enredo" of the 7th Annual Brazilian Street Carnaval of Long Beach where Brazilians and Americans alike will pay tribute to this culinary artist.

