

Michael Jackson and Circus

1989 - Michael Jackson takes 200 disadvantaged children from St. Vincent's Home For Dysfunctional Children and from Big Brothers and Big Sisters to Circus Vargas in Santa Barbara , California . He waves, jokes, laughs and generally clowns around, enjoying the circus as much as his guests before taking them back to his ranch to see his own private zoo.
來自聖文森特智障兒童之家(St. Vincent's Home For Dysfunctional Children)的約兩百個孩子,在MJ 的陪伴下去聖巴巴拉的Vargas 馬戲團觀看了他們的表演。據當時在場的人說,那天他比那些同去的孩子們還要興奮,扮小丑,大笑,跳來跳去,玩得比誰都瘋。看完表演後,MJ 還意猶未盡,然後又領著孩子們參觀了他在Neverland 的動物園。

Michael Jackson Had Influence on Circus

While the entire world mourns the death of pop star Michael Jackson, the world of the circus held a special connection with him.
In the above photo taken in 1984, Michael Jackson poses with Monica and George Bertini, teenage unicycle performers at Circus World near Orlando, FL.
For the past 4 decades, much of the music made famous by Michael Jackson has been used to accompany many different circus acts. Most recently, "Thriller" was used in the "House of Terror" aerial production at Sailor Circus.
Michael Jackson once rented the entire Circus Vargas in California and invited hundreds of under privilaged children as his guests to enjoy the circus!
In 1995, teenage juggling sensation Justino Zoppe choreographed his juggling routineas a tribute to Michael Jackson and his music.

Portrait of Michael Jackson with circus lights.

A Michael Jackson - Tony Blanco
Remember this picture I posted on the blog last week?  It's Fresno magician Tony Blanco with Michael Jackson several years ago, when Blanco was Ringmaster at Circus Circus in Las Vegas .  Some people questioned whether that's really Michael in the picture.  Is it a wax Jackson , or is it the real guy?  Well, I asked Tony to send us the story of what happened that day... so here ya go!
"This was around the early 90's. We were told by security that Michael Jackson was on his way from the Mirage (he had a apartment there) to see our shows.
The shows at Circus Circus ran every half hour. When Michael arrived with his entourage and came down to the stage area, we had just finished a magic performance. The next show wasn't supposed to start for another 20 minutes.
Well, as Ringmaster, I gathered all the performers that were going to be on the stage for the rest of the day, and formed one big show!  We put together 4-shows-in-a-row for Michael.  It was just crazy how much excitement and energy was in the building.
Now, in his entourage were big security guards and some family members, and a young boy who was wearing a hat just like Michael's.  Months later, or maybe a year, I would see footage from that day on "Inside Edition" with the boy's face pixled out.  Turned out, that was the boy involved in Michael's scandal.
None the less, it was an amazing and exciting day to meet the legendary Michael Jackson.  He was a Superstar."  
The Greatest Show On Earth. BARNUM CIRCUS
t is too fantastic to be true…
So let us consider that it is just a plot of my imagination. It ever it turns out to be true, I will be surprised most of all. So this is an unbelievable version, which appeared during my research and due to the results achieved at my topic “Michael and illusionists” on the forum . I know that many people didn’t take this subject seriously and they kept asking me how it was connected with the events that happened to Michael on the 25th of June. I would like to thank all the people who took part in the discussion of the subject and who found many interesting facts and really valuable information, namely La Estrella, marik771, нюша, makarena, Arven, Волшебная Шняшка, Эвридика, Вероника, Гуру, Angel.jva, All, Bebbit, kto_nado, Клара Захаровна. Thank to you all, the separate pieces of a puzzle began to make a whole picture.
At the time I started that research, I was only driven by intuition, and some things didn’t want to add up. And of course, I could not even imagine how big that research was going to be. As a result, those little pieces of weird information that didn’t match started to make a rather orderly scheme of a surprising and grandiose plan, which could only be created by a genius.
Michael Jackson is a person of a planetary caliber and his influence can hardly be measured. It is very difficult to treat him as a usual person. I know that now I will be criticized by those people who cannot put up with the fact that Michael could have intentionally planned his leaving for many years. Right, the image of a victim is much dearer to the heart and it evokes sympathy. On the other hand, it is so hard to believe that the victim can bare his teeth. If you think that Michael was a person used by everyone and who had no idea about his business, then better stop reading this post. Michael is an outstanding businessman of all times, he is a real professional. And all these qualifications can perfectly harmonize with a kind heart. I am sure that Michael had a right for this hoax and he had to do so. And a genius like Michael can make a real knockout. I will dare to suppose that Michael, who realizes his influence upon people, even decided to carry out the mission of saving the world. At that he was solving his own problems.
Michael also loved to attract wonders and make magic.)
This post is an attempt to systemize the information gained by me and the above mentioned people, and to reconstruct the events of the preparation for the Greatest Show we witness at the moment, and to understand what kind of final there could be. Many people are already aware of this information, but for some of you it can be quite interesting to read.“My funeral will be the Greatest Show on Earth. This is what I want”.

Michael Jackson

Since the beginning of the investigation, the name of Barnum has been appearing here and there. Several sources have been constantly reminding us that “The autography of P.T. Barnum is Michael’s Bible”.
It was first mentioned by a secret informer on Larry King blog on the 17th of August. Michael’s make-up assistant Karen Faye confirms it as well. The re-direction of Thisisalsoit sends us to Barnum. Finally rabbi Shmuley’s interview with Michael is released and we can read the following words:
Shmuley Boteach: And your career is built on that and I’m not just saying it to flatter you. It’s true, I am amazed at it. So talk to me about mystery. How do you know this, where did it come to you, that power of that which is concealed?
Michael Jackson: Wow, you are so observant. It’s amazing how you notice details. Um, I studied… I love psychology, I love magic, I love… I love real beauty. I love real talent. I love when something’s miraculous; when something’s so beautiful you shouldn’t get it. What I like about Halley’s Comet, and I always say it to my lawyer, Halley’s Comet is no more of a miracle than the moon or the sun. But we make a big deal out of it because you see it once in a lifetime and everybody’s out there to see it. You know astronomers and fans and people and it’s this thing that circles around the solar system but you see it once in a lifetime. If it happened every night nobody would care, but to me the moon is just as miraculous. I always talk about deer and dogs and cats. A lot of people go, “There is a deer! There’s a…” ‘cause they are shy, they’re always hidden. It’s a big deal to see a deer, I mean, and I appreciate that, how people should appreciate the real ability and I always say that I don’t care if you are the most talented person in the world, if you come on the television every day people will regurgitate you. You have to know how to play your audience. You have to know that and it’s true, Shmuley. And it’s not just a game. But it’s real for me, it’s real for me. It really is.
SB: How do you know that? For example, I had to be taught this. I write about it a lot in my books but I began to develop a lot of my ideas on it from insights from other writers, thinkers, philosophers, etc.
MJ: If you remain mysterious, people will be more interested, yeah.
MJ: I just love, I do love the power of mystery, I really do. I think it’s very powerful.
SB: Is it spiritual? What is it?
MJ: It’s spiritual, it’s, it’s people conjure up all these ideas, people create them themselves. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn’t come down. He’s in the dark, he’s in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair down to here and he’s hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes ‘cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he’s like one of my masters. But, I don’t know, this is the first time I’ve ever said this, Shmuley, I love Howard, he is a genius.

SB: Because what? Because he knew the power of mystery?

MJ: How to play people, yeah. He knew how to make the public interested. P.T. Barnum was pretty good at it himself.
SB: But with you, when you say it’s become about playing the public, is it as simple as withdrawal and they want more? And more ways how to reveal yourself?
MJ: It’s rhythm and timing. You have to know what you’re doing. Like you never see me on award show saying, “The nominees are… ” And I get asked to do every show. Now they don’t even ask. They know I don’t do it. Or to host the show or to come out and say like, “Coming up next, Michael Jackson to present the record of the year.” You never see me coming out and doing the nominees. I don’t do it. They know not to even ask me. It’s not what I do.
(This part of the interview was remarked by Klara Zakharovna on forum

