

Michael Jackson是過度暴力年代的一服靈丹妙藥-1984紐約時報心理學家解說

來源  作者: keep_a_faith

“Michael” 一下子便點燃了樂壇, 不費吹灰之力便全面俘虜了樂迷的注意力。其實買不買專緝與支不支援MJ是不掛勾的, 沒能力買的童鞋不等於支援小些, 或多買一份等於多愛一些, 不抗拒便舒服, 順其自然。我只是想說這個愛的現象, 令我想起去年看過一份紐約時報1984再版, 內容關於MJ 狂熱, 和MJ與歌迷之間的微妙關係。一篇報導動用博士學者教授引經據典的去研究一個年輕小夥子的氣場, 相當大陣仗, 不過主角既是Michael Jackson, 一切都變得理所當然。心理學嘛, 不一定大眾化, 但現在回看舊文, 後來的情況確實如分析那樣。文裏有提及年齡13以下的歌迷, 是肯定了小邁迷在MJ生命中的份量, 學者思想大同, 無分彼此。13以上的, 也看看自己屬於那一類吧。 一個快樂出塵的小天使活在人間, 從開始被人羡慕演變成犯忌收場。文章的故事很明顯只發展到羡慕階段, 至於犯忌, 往後長達二十幾年, 沒完沒了, 到現在似乎還在輕波作浪。照理說, 這是美國社會的潛在心理問題, 與主角無尤, 關他事的都不關他事。

這份分析部份內容可能有人覺得敏感, 決定中英對照 (配了些有趣的圖), 以免誤導, 如有質疑, 請參照原文。各有所好, 沒什麼對不對的。

[紐約時報] 1984年7月9日 心理學家引證Michael Jackson的魅力

他是個公認的天才表演者,他深受歡迎毫無疑問來自多面的才華, 集歌手,作曲家, 舞蹈家和表演者於一身。除了藝人必備的超凡魅力外, 部份成功的原因可在他塑造的形象及個人風格解釋得到。他那種形象, 非常特別, 和許多一成不變的早期搖滾樂明星的形象大不相同。許多心理學家和觀察家認為,這可能是因為傑克遜先生的性格很違反常規,因而令他成為觸目明星, 他的吸引力被喻為當代時尚 - 特別是對年輕觀眾群而言。

Why such an outpouring of adulation for Michael Jackson.
Admittedly, he’s a talented performer, and his popularity undoubtedly stems from his abilities as a singer, songwriter, dancer and performer. But as with every entertainer of such mass appeal, part of that popularity can be explained by the image and personality he projects. That image, moreover, is highly unusual and goes against many earlier rock-star stereotypes. But, in the view of many psychologists and observers, it may be the very unconventiality of Mr. Jackson’s persona that makes him the star of the moment and accounts for his appeal to contemporary – especially young – audiences.

上週五傑克遜先生和他的兄弟,在眾多城市裏展開了投資數百萬美元的巡迴演唱會,在舞臺上,他以亦男亦女(無淩兩可)的外形和嗓音(童聲) 而著名。在這方面, 他與近期幾個搖滾樂明星的形象頗為相似, 如大衛鮑威和喬治男孩, 後者以“雌雄同體” 見稱。昨天CBS的“Face the Nation ” 中報導。
On stage, Mr. Jackson, who, with his brothers, started a multicity, multimillion dollar concert tour last Friday, is famed for his sexually ambiguous appearance and voice. In that regards, he resembles several other recent rock stars, such as David Bowie and Boy George, the latter of whom was the subject of “Androgyny”, a program on “Face the Nation” on CBS yesterday.

但許多心理學家認為,傑克遜先生的吸引力超越了”雌雄同體” 的形像。在他的私生活中,根據大眾媒體描述, 25歲的傑克遜先生,從不喝酒不吸毒,不吃紅肉而且是處男。是一個虔誠的耶和華見證人,與父母同住, 過著虛擬式的隱士生話,偶爾易容上街宣揚宗教文學。
But in the view many psychologists, Mr. Jackson’s appeal may go beyond androgyny. In his private life, according to portrayals in the popular press, Mr. Jackson, who is 25 years old, has never touched alcohol or drugs, eats no red meat and is a virgin. A devout Jehovah’s Witness, he lives with his parents as a virtual recluse, although he occasionally makes forays in disguise to distribute religious literature.
據報導,傑克遜先生用大部份空閒時間觀賞其珍藏的卡通片, 想像與人偶共話,仿佛它們是真人似的。他只有極少數朋友, 其中一個好友,簡方達表示,“邁克爾令我感覺他有如一個傷行者, 他是個極易受傷的人“
Mr. Jackson reportedly spends much of his free time watching cartoons from his own large collection, carries on imagined conversations with mannequins as though they were people, and has very few personal friends. One of those friends, Jane Fonda, has said “Michael reminds me of his walking wounded. He’s an extremely fragile person”.

在眾多受訪專家看來, 容易受傷的特質, 可能是傑克遜先生受歡迎的一個心理關鍵。
“他的柔弱特別吸引青少年”(注: teen是13-19歲, 這裏的pre-teen是13歲以下),前紐約大學醫學院青少年精神科主任羅伯特古爾德說道, “當他在公眾場合露面時,他是如此害羞,不善詞令的他看起來極需要人照顧。這樣便牽動了受保護的感覺 - 他像一隻令你很想收養的寵物”。
That fragility, in the view of many experts interviewed, may be one psychological key to Mr. Jackson’s popularity.
“His vulnerability is especially appealing to young and preteens”, said Robert Gould, former director of adolescent psychiatry at New York University medical school. “When he makes an appearance in public, he’s so shy and inarticulate he looks like he needs someone to take care of him. It brings out protective feelings – he’s almost like a pet you want to adopt”.

傑克遜的被動害羞的性格令他在搖滾樂明星中鶴立雞群, 他潔淨無瑕, 甜美單純”, 古爾德博士補充說,“令到那些對大男人形象感到害怕(威脅)的年輕女孩來說更具吸引力。不僅是少女- 13歲以下的小女孩 - 似乎是他的“核心支持者”。
“ Jackson ’s passive shyness is quite unusual in rock stars, as is his clean cut, sweet innocence”, Dr. Gould added, “It’s particularly attractive to young girls who would be threatened by a macho type. And just those girls – 13 and young – seem to be a core constituency of his”.

傑克遜先生無淩兩可的性別形像, 亦吸引著十來歲的男孩, 基於不同的原因。 “他的雌雄同體令青少年著迷,尤其是男孩子”,康奈爾大學醫學院臨床心理學家約翰梅達羅斯說,“不知不覺間很難放棄雙性間的幻想。而這種矛盾思想在十來歲年齡段尤為明顯,15歲左右的少年很易形成地下情。他(邁)成為這些雙性幻想的男孩的化身“。
Mr. Jackosn’s ambiguous sexuality may also appeal to teenage boys though for different reasons. “His androgyny holds a fascination for adolescents, particularly boys”, said John Munder Ross, a clinical psychologist at Cornell Medical College “Unconsciously, it’s hard to give up the possibility of being both sexes. This ambivalence is more obvious in the early teens, and goes under ground around 15 or so. He embodies someone who seems to live out that ambisexual fantasy”.
感覺上傑克遜先生活在一個“夢幻世界”裏, 美國西北大學精神病學教授大衛格特曼博士這樣認為。
“邁克爾傑克遜回避作成年人”,格特曼博士說:“他夢想著能實現一切及掌控一切。他像傭有雙重性別,同時發揮感性和性感的完美男孩,同是黑人和白人。他永遠年輕,雖抗拒成長, 卻肩負著成年人應付的責任。這些日子他被小孩子的世界所吸引, 一直想拖延成長的身份“。
Also, there is the sense of Mr. Jackson living in a “fantasy land”, in the view of Dr. David Guttman, professor of psychiatry at Northwestern University.
“Michael Jackson evades the choices of adult identity”, Dr. Guttman said, “He embodies the fantasy of being and having everything. He seems to be both sexes, to be sensual and sexy while staying a good boy, to be black and white at the same time. He’s forever young, a potent refutation of having to grow up and choose adult responsibilities. That seems to appeal to kids these days, who seem to want to put off considering an adult identity”

傑克遜現時的純真常青的形象是他另一外援。 “隨著時下的種種暴力行為, 傑克遜的甜美及清純形象喚起了人們內心真正的渴求“,格特曼博士說:”他是一服”過度暴力年代”的糖衣妙藥。
Antidote to Excessive Violence
The innocence of that perennial youthfulness may be another drawing card of the Jackson persona right now. “With all the violence kids are subject to these days. Jackson ’s sweet and pure appeal speaks to an inner need”, Dr. Guttman said, “He’s an antidote to the excessive violence of the times”.

傑克遜先生的觀眾群遠比青少年組別大得多。那麼在他們的心理上還有什麼更大吸引呢?傑出的 ” 卡爾榮格學說” 分析師詹姆斯希爾曼認為(Carl Jung卡爾榮格是著名端士心理學大師, 他的學說是著名心理學說),邁克爾傑克遜的魅力在於他有如” 波幾” 的化身(Puer Aeternus是神話裏的神之子, 永不長大的eternal boy, ),一個大眾心中的完美形象, 代表著永恆的純真,好比我們美國文化中著名的彼德潘。
Still, Mr. Jackson’s audience is a far larger group than teenagers alone. What might be the more general psychological attractiveness? In the view of James Hillman, an eminent Jungian analyst, the appeal of Michael Jackson is in large part as someone who represents the “Puer”, a psychological archetype representing an ageless innocence and probably best-known in our culture in the form of Peter Pan.

像傑克遜這樣的人物, 在心理上有如一個令人渴求的神話元素的化身。巨星們身上往往帶著人們心理上渴求的重要元素。例如貓王艾維斯普雷斯利,擁有一副狄俄尼索斯的身材 (Dionysus是希臘酒神),像位誘人的男子來到鎮上偷走了所有女孩子的心。這些人的生活往住帶著抑壓,活在痛苦的人生裏。
“It’s as though someone like Jackson is an incarnation of some much desired psychological, mythic element. The stars often embody some crucial psychological characteristic. Elvis Presley, for example, was a Dionysus figure, the seductive man who came to town and stole all the girls. They carry the repressed side of life, the part people are aching for in their own lives”.
傑克遜先生說過,“我就像小飛俠,那個生話在夢幻島的失落男孩,”在各方面,他傭有” 皮兒” 的特性, 兩者驚人相似。希爾曼博士描述,”皮兒” 充滿啟發性,柔弱,富有創造力,被動,火熱和任性。”皮兒”同樣傭有天使般的雌雄同體特徵, 是男性和女性完美的混合體”。
Mr. Jackson himself once said, “I totally identify with Peter Pan, the lost boy of never-never land,” and in many ways, he bears an uncanny resemblance to descriptions of the Puer. According to Dr. Hillman’s description, for example, the Puer is “inspired, effeminate, inventive, passive, fiery and capricious”. The Puer also has an “angelic hermaphroditic quality where masculine and feminine are perfectly joined”.

希爾曼博士說, “皮兒” 的形象可能噢起美國人對歷史的一份集體回憶, 因而產生一種特別的吸引力。

The Puer archetype, Dr. Hillman said may have a special appeal to the collective minds of America at this moment in history.
“As much as we are pressed by the harsh and tough economic realities, the world of the bottom line and success and failure, we yearn for the time when life was free of all those pressures. Michael Jackson embodies that innocent boy whose life is unfettered, full of style and beauty without the grit of reality”.



覺得作者有點眼熟, 上網一查, 背境相當顯赫, Dentel Goleman 戈爾曼博士生于1946年3月7日 加利福尼亞州,哈佛大學博士及客座講師, 父母都是大學教授。制定”情緒智慧的最佳基礎”專家。博士得獎無數, 包括新聞事業成就獎及美國心理學協會的許多獎項。他被選為美國科學促進協會院士。他是兩屆普利策獎提名, 是New York Times Bestseller。 隱約記起讀書時期讀過他的著作Emotional Intelligence, 第一頁看到亞里斯多德的名言便買下了, 以為內容就是這麼淺白, 結果四百多頁只看懂四份一, 罪過罪過。
把書中亞里斯多德意味深長的淺白道理拍了下來, 送給大家, 希望發怒的人能儘快從抖結中跳出來吧

前文提到卡爾榮格(1857年生), 他著各的學說 Red Book 是一本多年前的珍貴而美麗的心理星座占卜古舊書藉, 這本珍貴古書再造版, 大家引領期待, 去年年底終於面世, 本想上傳"The making of Red Book' 編制巨書的美麗視頻, 發挖過程更被形容為 Indian Jones的一次考古經歷, 但遮罩了, 可能是版權問題, 我找了另一個自製的視頻代替, 但依然覺得很可惜, 畢竟視頻相當精采:

