

Men In Black 1 & 2

Men In Black

台灣片名:MIB星際戰警1香港片名:黑超特警組1中國片名:黑衣人1英文片名:Men In Black
本片是改編自同名漫畫「Men In Black」,並由史蒂芬史匹柏監製和擅長黑色喜劇的培瑞桑尼費爾導演,1997年一在美國上映,即拿下票房冠軍。
台灣片名:MIB星際戰警2香港片名:黑超特警組2中國片名:黑衣人2英文片名:Men In Black


MIB星際戰警》原班製作,導演演員再度合作!外太空異形侵略地球,黑超特警組再次出動,舊拍檔重新聚頭,為趕絕這班厲害怪物而出力,展開一場人類與異形間的角力…… 在第一集中,代號K(湯米李瓊斯飾)的星際戰警即將退休,找來代號J(威爾史密斯飾)代替他成為星際戰警的一員,繼續監測外星人在地球上的活動情形,退休後的K依循慣例將有關外星人的記憶全部消除。   在第二集裏,邪惡的外星魔女來到地球尋找統治宇宙萬物的關鍵外星人,但是只有K才知道關鍵外星人的藏匿處,J必須讓K趕緊恢復記憶,才能阻止邪惡的外星魔女進行統治地球的行動。
邁克爾·傑克遜的友情客串《黑衣人2》另一個不可錯過的賣點,就屬流行歌王邁克爾·傑克遜的友情客串了。這位舉世矚目的歌星  邁克爾·傑克遜將在片中一展尊容。先前媒體曾猜測邁克爾·傑克遜將在片中扮演一個外星人的小角色,導演立刻出面咬文嚼字地"闢謠"表示:邁克爾在片中並非飾演外星人而是一個“臥底”的外星人。當然了,臥底外星人和外星人是不同的,是很正面、很重要的角色,這就像蛋糕和奶油蛋糕之間的不同,奶油蛋糕的奶油要多一點……   邁克爾·傑克遜的銀幕扮相也會十分耀眼,儘管鏡頭很短,導演還是要與他認認真真的合作5個小時。據報導,兩人從舞臺背景至表演站位一一切磋,相信屆時邁克爾·傑克遜的一定會吸引不少短暫但火辣辣的目光。   

Men in Black II is a science fiction comedy action film starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. It is the sequel to Men in Black, based on the Malibu comic book series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham.
The Story
Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are back in black as the scum-fighting super-agents Kay and Jay - regulators of all things alien on planet Earth. Their latest mission: To save the world from a total intergalactic disaster!
When a renegade Kylothian monster disguised as a lingerie model threatens the survival of the human race the boys of the MIB get the call to step up and get busy. With the headquaters under siege and time running out, Agents Kay and Jay enlist the help of Frank the Pug and a posse of hard-living worms to help them kick some seriously sexy alien butt!
· Tommy Lee Jones - Agent Kay
· Will Smith - Agent Jay
· Rip Torn - MIB Chief Zed
· Lara Flynn Boyle - Serleena
· Johnny Knoxville - Scrad & Charlie
· Michael Jackson - Agent M
Michael Jackson has a small cameo in this movie as Agent M and receives one of the biggest laughs!
Film History
Reportedly, Michael saw the first 'Men In Black' film in Paris ( France ) and liked it so much that he wanted to have a role in MIB II as he had never seen something so creative before this movie.
Director Barry Sonnenfeld scored a big hit in convincing Michael Jackson to appear in Men in Black II as an alien. The cameo lasts only a few seconds, but Michael had a lot of questions about his role, according to Sonnenfeld. He wanted to know everything about the special effects background of his scene. Sonnenfeld told him that there would be icebergs, but Michael wanted to know much more details:
"He said, 'Can I see the icebergs?' 'No we don't have the photos yet.' 'Is there anything else behind me?' 'Penguins.' I'm making this up! I don't know if there are going to be penguins," Sonnenfeld said. "'Can I see the penguins?' 'No I don't have the pictures of the penguins yet.' 'Are they king penguins?' 'Yes.' And then I said, 'You know, I gotta go.'" 
Will Smith explained in an interview that seeing Michael, dressed in MIB trademenk attire and consulting MIB chief Zed via monitor, is a credit to Michael's sense of humor:
"You know, when he comes on the screen, people are really happy. It's as if Michael is saying to the world, 'OK, all right. I'm human just like everyone else. I appreciate a good joke just like everyone else does,'
But the thing that I loved so much is he kept wanting to play it serious. You know, he was, like, 'You know, I'm a Man In Black, I just want it to be really serious.' I think people are going to be really shocked and really surprised, and enjoy seeing Michael in this film and in this light."
Publisher: Columbia Pictures
Theatrical release: July 3, 2002
Video/DVD release ( USA ): November 26, 2002
Program time: 88 mins
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Executive producer: Steven Speilberg
Producers: Walter F. Parkes, Laurie MacDonald
Music: Danny Elfman
Costume designer: Mary E. Vogt
Source: MJFC / Wikipedia

MJ曾經在2002年為Will Smith和主演的〈黑超特警組2Men in Black II)〉客串過一個角色。

