

Marlo Henderson 回憶 MJ

來源   翻譯:Sara Lee

很喜歡這張照片,圖中的MJ 雖然看上去確實還沒睡醒,不過還是一樣的cute and adorable
Marlo Henderson 曾在MJ 的專輯 < Off the Wall > < HIStory> 裏做過吉他伴奏,另外,他以前還在Jackson Five 的幾張專輯裏演奏過。

一次Marlo Henderson 因為需要一張個人簡歷上的照片,就給錄音室打電話,在得到許可後,他就去了錄音室。當時MJ 正在那裏製作他的新專輯 ,那天Marlo 來的時候,正碰上MJ 在那裏睡覺,因為前一晚一直在忙著混音,他一宿都沒闔眼。Marlo 上去就推Michael,把他給弄醒了,然後跟他說想要跟他一起拍張照片。雖然硬是給人推醒的,Michael 表現得還是很有教養的,儘管他也說:“What… 我可不想起來!但最後還是爬了起來,跟Marlo 一起拍了這張照片(如圖),拍完後,他就又回去睡覺了(Sarapoor boy,看來真是累壞了:P 

 另外,真心覺得MJ人很好,因為要是我睡得正香的時候硬給人弄醒,脾氣肯定會比他來得大,拍照的話,臉色也一定會很難看,囧!)Marlo 回憶說當時Michael 看著他的樣子就好像在說:簡直難以置信,這傢伙把我弄醒只是為了拍一張照片?!不管怎樣,他還是在鏡頭跟前站好了,雖然頭髮亂糟糟的,而且睡眼惺忪,一看就是一副剛從床上爬起來的樣子。Marlo 說從這件事就看得出Michael 待人有多好了。

以前就住在Jackson 家附近,1971年他就認識Michael 了。他們是在Encino 的洗車行裏認識的,那時Michael 每星期都會去那裏洗車,確切地說是每星期四下午兩點。那時他們經常會一邊在旁邊的麵包店裏聊天,一邊等著自己的車子洗好。據Marlo 回憶說Michael 為人謙和,好奇心很強,有時貌似挺嚴肅的,但同時卻又特別喜歡開玩笑,Michael 曾說過他的目標就是要打破那些人為設置的種種障礙和隔閡。

Marlo needed a photo for his resume so called the studio for permission, then went to the studio where they were mixing Thriller where he found Michael asleep as he had been up all night. He shook and woke Michael up to ask him for the pics. Michael was gracious but said “What!!” He did not want to wake up! However he came out front and took the photo and then went back to sleep. Of the pic, Marlo said Michael is looking at me as if to say “I can not believe this guy actually woke me up to take a picture” but posed for the pic along with his ‘bed hair‘. Marlo recalls Michael was really ‘nice about it‘.

Marlo, who lived near Michael, met Michael in 1971 and then again at a local car wash that Michael used to go to every week in Encino. They would meet every Thursday at 2pm for 5 months and chat for hours in a local donut shop whilst the cars were cleaned. Marlo remembers Michael as unpretentious, serious, wanting to break barriers, curious and a prankster. He cherishes the picture as it is so raw.
So there you go. Now you know what Michael used to look like when he woke up.

