

Lala Romero and her story about Michael Jackson

中文來源   翻譯:Sara_Lee

作者:Lala Romero
圖中:MJ Lala


我五歲時,跟表哥Brian 一起迷上了MJ。我們收集有(含有他標記的)玩偶,睡袋和午餐盒,當然還有手套。我當時相當確信自己長大後肯定會和他在一起的,沒人能讓我改變主意! Brian 比我大一點,後來他在學校裏發現MJ 家其實離我們住的地方並不是很遠。

大概任何一個住在洛杉磯的人可能都知道MJ 家在哪里吧。因此我們開始給他寫信,還在信裏夾上照片,Michael 很幸運,因為他收到了大概20多張我的照片!! 在信裏,我們主要是告訴他:我們愛他,另外我還跟他說我也喜歡跳舞和唱歌。我們還邀請他來家裏作客!

之後,我們的那個有點瘋狂的嬸嬸 CarolR.I.P.)帶我們去了MJ 家那裏,我們還按了他家大門的門鈴。後來他的保鏢出來,接過了我們的信。當時我們高興壞了,因為知道他一定會收到這些信的!  老實說,當時能看到他家的大門和見到他的保鏢,我們就已經心滿意足了,根本沒再指望別的什麼。

大約是四天后的一個晚上,十點半左右,媽媽接到Carol  嬸嬸的電話說:MJ 在她那兒,就在我們這棟公寓樓裏,此刻就坐在她家的長沙發上。那時我才五歲,相信任何一個對五歲孩子有些瞭解的人可能都知道,一旦這個年紀的孩子睡著了,要弄醒她有多難!  現在你們看到的這張他抱著我的照片,就是因為當時我怎麼都不肯醒來。於是Michael 堅持讓我爸媽拍下一張這樣的照片,等我醒來的時候,就會相信他真的來過了! ( SaraSo sweet! )幾天後,我因病住院做手術,這期間他還打電話給我。當時我簡直沒法相信自己正在跟MJ 通電話,他居然還有我的電話號碼! 以後的幾年裏,他曾多次邀請我和Brian 去他家玩,還帶我們去看他拍MV 以及他的演唱會等等。

奇怪的是,在我是個小孩子的時候,腦子裏根本就沒有名氣這個概念,尤其是他的名氣。我只知道他是我的朋友,我想這也是Michael 之所以會喜歡我的原因吧。與Michael 交往使我的生活發生了一些變化,他在很大程度上激勵了我,使我相信自己想要成為職業歌手的夢想並非是遙不可及的事情。我家所在的社區不是一個可以激勵你去追求自己夢想的地方,但與Michael  的相識給了我信心,使我開始相信:任何事都是可能的,只要你肯努力去做,不害怕嘗試。他的慷慨和愛心,我永遠都不會忘記。當時他已經是世界聞名的頭號巨星了,居然還肯費時費力,不嫌麻煩地來到我們這個位於加州Van Nuys 的破舊公寓樓,看望他的兩個小歌迷。Michael 一向都特別在乎他的歌迷群體。

即使那時我還只是個小女孩,有時也感覺得到他的孤獨和悲傷,那是他的一部份。我想他的童年,名氣和財富,在很大程度上將他與世上的絕大多數人隔離開了。這也是他為什麼會喜歡我們的原因,因為身為孩子,我們根本不在乎那些玩意兒!  我們只想玩得開心! Michael 有時很滑稽,有時又會像個傻瓜一樣笨,所以我們經常會爬上他的蹦蹦床去亂跳一通,有時還會去打劫他的糖果鋪。

對我來說,Michael 就像剪刀手愛德華和 Willy Wonka (電影 <查理和巧克力工廠> 的主人公),心地那麼美好,卻被世人深深地誤解了。他觸動了我的生活,我很感激他讓看到了一個與我成長的環境完全不同的世界。

以後我還會貼更多的照片上來,另外也會告訴你們一些有關MJ 的小故事。相信我,你們聽過的那些關於Michael 的正面的事情都是真的!


Michael, Emmanuel Lewis, and LaLa Romero Lala Romero and her story about Michael Jackson


September 03, 2009
I don't tell this story too often, in fact growing up I kinda learned to just keep it to myself.

Whenever people would find out I knew him, a gang of silly, dumb questions would follow, and I would always end up having to defend someone I loved so much.

When I was 5, my cousin Brian and I where OBSESSED with Micheal Jackson. We had dolls, sleeping bags, lunch boxes, and OF COURSE the gloves. I was pretty convinced I was goin to be him when I grew up, and nobody could tell me otherwise! Brian was older then me, and found out at school MJ actually lived in the Valley, we lived in. Anyone from LA pretty much knew the house. So we wrote him letters and enclosed a bunch of pics, you remember the ones from school you'd write on the bk, yeah well, lucky Micheal got about 25 of me!! Basically we told him we LOVED him & I told him I was a singer and dancer!!! We also asked him to come to our house & visit!! Our loca tia Carol (RIP) took us to his house and we rang the gaurd gate. His gaurd came out to us & took our letters. WE WERE SOOOOOOO HAPPY, we KNEW he would get em!! I honestly can say we were just happy enough to see his gate & meet his gaurd NEVER did we really expect what happened next.

About 4 days later, at 10:30 pm, my mom got the call from Carol, Michael Jackson was HERE, in our APT building, on her couch. I was 5 & anybody who knows a 5 year old also knows that it's damn near impossible to wake em up!! The pic you see of us is him holding me, cause I wouldn't wake up, he insisted my parents take da pic so I would truly know he came!! A few days later I was going into the hospital for sugery & he called me. I couldn't BELIEVE I was talking to Micheal Jackson & that he actually had my number!! Over the next few years he would invite Brian & I to his house, to watch him shot his videos & to his shows.

It's weird, when I was lil, I didn't really grasp FAME, especially his FAME. All I knew was he was my friend & I think thats why he liked me. My friendship with him changed my life. It was a HUGE influence, it made me believe having a singer career was in arms reach. My neighborhood didn't support BIG DREAMS but his freindship gave me confidence & assurance that ANYTHING & EVERYTHING is possible, if you work hard & aren't scared to try. His generousity & kindness inspires me daily. Here was the biggest super star in the world taking time out to come to a broken down apt building in Van Nuys CA to see his fans. He was ALWAYS about his fans & his community, and I really always knew that if I got my chance I would strive to be just like that!!

Even as a tiny lil girl I could see his saddness & his lonely. It was a part of him, I think his childhood, fame & money alienated him from most of the world. Thats why he loved US cause we didnt care about the BS!! We just had fun!! He was so goofy & silly, we would jump on his trampoline and raid his candy shop.

Micheal was like Edward Scissorhands & Willy Wonka to me, SOOOOO AMAZING in the HEART but so misunderstood by most! I love him always for touching my life & showing me a different world then the one I grew up in.

I hope those babies of his really grow up understanding that they did have the best daddy in the world. His heart & sprirt are what made him the GREATEST and so RARE.

One day I'll post more pics, and tell ya specific stories!! All the good things ya heard about him were ALL TRUE!! I promise!!


Lala Romero

