

《I Want My MTV》作者:邁克爾•傑克遜拯救了MTV

來源 /   編譯:Badthriller

2012928 - 《我要我的MTV》(I Want My MTV)的作者最近說起邁克爾傑克遜(Michael Jackson)對MTV的影響。

Authors of 'I Want My MTV' discuss the impact of the channel + how Michael saved it

Q. Is there any one artist you can point to and say without that artist MTV may not have made it?
RT: Absolutely: Michael Jackson is the man who saved MTV. The irony is that for the first couple of years the network was on the air, they hardly ever played black musicians. MTV executives would say they weren't discriminating against black people; they were just programming rock.
Q. Like a radio station.
RT: Which is kind of a persuasive argument until you understand that a lot of what they were playing wasn't just rock 'n' roll. They were also playing ABC, which was a white R&B act. So, if you can play a white R&B act, why can't you play a black R&B act? I think that's part of what made people angry about MTV. So Michael Jackson starts making videos for Thriller in 1982 and at that point MTV is probably three bad months away from being shut down.
CM: It also showed how mercenary MTV was, and I mean that as a compliment, by going from in January 1983 not really playing urban videos to November '83 not only playing it but saying "come back in 10 minutes, we're going to play Thriller again." Whatever worked, worked. They were happy to swallow their pride.

