


Guangzhou home for MJ

By Mei Jia ( China Daily)

2011323 - 對黃振輝和他的團隊來說,樹立一尊Michael Jackson雕像的過程就是夢想成真的過程。
已故流行音樂之王的廣州歌迷收到了一封來自他的弟弟蘭迪.JacksonRandy Jackson)的信,對他們的努力表示認可。

作為歌迷,你們認識到他作為一名藝人和人道主義者的真正天賦與才華,我們為你們感到驕傲。上面寫道:以這座雕像向Michael 致敬真實體現了你們持久永恆的愛、奉獻與支持,我們對此深感謙卑與感激。這座放置于廣東省廣州市雕塑公園的銅像高2.3Jackson家人的信鐫刻在底座上作為銘文。
他們告訴他:就是貓王(Elvis Presley)也沒有得到這樣的榮譽。但其中的一個朋友透露,她認識廣州雕塑院的藝術家們。
黃振輝找到了線上Michael .Jackson中國歌迷俱樂部歌迷論壇(MJJCN.COM),籌集建立雕像所需的15.8萬元人民幣(約2.4萬美元)。他們的團隊邀請全國範圍內的歌迷捐款,甚至還發起了一場來自350位歌迷所捐獻的Jackson藏品拍賣。
一月份雕像揭幕的那天,Jackson的前合作者及音樂人霍華德.麥克拉裏(Howard McCrary)從美國趕來,為現場的600位歌迷表演。
(翻譯:stroller 來源 /
For Huang Zhenhui and his team, a Michael Jackson statue is a dream come true.
And in recognition of this, these Guangzhou-based fans of the late "king of pop" received a letter from his youngest brother Randy Jackson.
"We're proud of you as fans for recognizing his (Michael's) true gifts and talents as an entertainer and a humanitarian."
"The dedication of a statue in Michael's honor is a true manifestation of your steadfast love, devotion and support, (and) for this we're humbly grateful," it reads.
The statue is a 2.3-meter high bronze in Guangzhou Sculpture Park , Guangdong province. Jackson 's letter forms the inscription on its base.
Standing next to those of numerous historical figures and VIPs, the statue shows Jackson with his arms extended.
Huang, a 33-year-old event planner, fell for the Jackson magic in 1991. After the star's death in June 2009, he organized several memorial activities in the city. It was during a regular meeting with friends, mostly Jackson fans, in May 2010, at a bar near the sculpture park, that Huang came up with his idea of having a statue of Jackson in the park.
He recalls how his friends laughed at him then, pointing out the incongruity of having a popular foreign star featured in the largest sculpture park of the country.
"Even Elvis Presley hasn't been treated with that honor," they told him.
But one of them did let on that she knew artists at the Guangzhou Sculpture Institute. Huang tracked down Lu Zengkang, a sculptor with access to the park's officials, and told him of his interest.
Huang was clear from the beginning that the statue should be available for public viewing.
"We want to share Jackson 's artistic achievements and charitable nature with whoever looks at it," he told Lu.
Huang was soon joined by 14 of his friends. While they had secured a place for, and a creator of, the statue, they still had to arrange the funding.
Huang turned to online fan forums to raise the required 158,000 yuan ($24,031). The team invited donations from fans nationwide and even launched an auction of Jackson collectibles, from some 350 fans.
But as Huang inched closer to realizing his dream, he found himself facing criticisms for wasting money.
His critics said the money could be put to better use and given to needy kids.
But Huang carried on and finally won them over.
On the day of the statue's unveiling in January, Jackson 's former partner and musician, Howard McCrary, arrived from the United States and gave a performance for the 600 fans present.
The statue conveys a message of love, peace and tolerance, says its sculptor Lu.
China Daily

