

Fulham俱樂部主席:如果不喜歡Michael Jackson,就見鬼去吧

來源 作者:peiweimm

Fulham俱樂部主席穆罕默德艾爾法耶德堅持把Michael Jackson的雕像矗立在克拉文別墅,並告訴那些富咸的球迷:如果不喜歡Michael Jackson,就見鬼去吧!



"Why is it bizarre?," he said after the unveiling. "Football fans love it. If some stupid
fans don't understand and appreciate such a gift they can go to hell.

"I don't want them to be fans. If they don't understand and don't believe in things I believe in they can go to Chelsea , they can go to anywhere else. People will queue to come and visit it from all over the UK and it is something that I and everybody else should be proud of."

The former Fulham player Kit Symons, who is now Under-18s manager at Fulham, defended Al Fayed's decision. "It is great," he said. "The big thing is it is obviously something that the chairman feels very, very passionately about and he has decided to erect this statue and fair dos to him."

Speaking about the time of Jackson 's visit, he added: "It was just happy times. They were great times back then. The chairman obviously used to bring high profile people down the games. Tony Curtis was here a few weeks after and it was just fantastic times."

黑池隊老闆支援富咸隊建造Michael Jackson的雕像
 來源 作者badthriller
1999年,Michael Jackson坐在法耶德身邊()觀看富咸俱樂部的球賽

2010年3月31日 — 黑池隊(Blackpool)老闆伊恩·霍洛維(Ian Holloway)日前發表言論表示支持默罕默德·阿爾·法耶德(Mohanmmed Al Fayed)的計畫:在富咸俱樂部(Fulham)的克拉文農場球場(Craven Cottage)建造一處邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)的雕像。
然而黑池隊老闆霍洛維表示:“我等不及了,因為不管你愛他還是討厭他,他都是一個永遠的偶像。我知道有些歌迷對此有意見,但是我覺得這很好。”另外,他補充道:“他是一個很特別的傢夥,我為他驕傲。披頭士(The Beatles)、貓王(Elvis)、拳王阿裏(Muhammad Ali)……他們都是和我同代的偶像,大衛·貝克漢姆(David Beckham)也快是了,他們都是偶像。在我家裏有一個阿裏的模型,那是當他還叫卡修斯·克萊(Cassius Clay)的時候,就是他把索尼·利斯頓(Sonny Liston)壓在身下的那個經典的姿勢。這是我非常寶貴的收藏之一,我也很想擁有傑克遜的。事實上,當我們去富咸的時候,我可以帶著一個鋼鋸把雕像偷走,用球隊的班車運回我的家。如果他們發現它不見了呢?他們一定會包圍我的房子。不是我幹的,法耶德先生,我不會破壞它,真的!”

