

“吉他英雄” Eddie Van Halen稱與MJ的合作是他的最愛

來源:MJJCN.COM / Smithsonian magazine  編譯:ilmj1314   

2011525近日,傳奇吉他大師,被稱為吉他英雄的艾迪海倫(Eddie Van Halen)接受了《史密森尼》(Smithsonian)雜誌的採訪,當被問及在他與其他藝人合作的作品中,哪個是他的最愛,艾迪回答說,邁克爾傑克遜(Michael Jackson)的《避開》是我的最愛。昆西鐘斯(Quincy Jones )打電話給我讓我為這首歌伴奏。當我去到錄音室,只花了15分鐘重新編排歌曲,彈奏了兩段solo,並讓他們選擇他們最喜歡的一段。然後邁克爾走了進來,他說哇,我真的很喜歡那段高速solo。錄製這首歌曲有很多樂趣。花了很短的時間做出的東西能夠達到超出你想像的效果,真是瘋狂。

Eddie van Halen: “Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat It’ is a stand out for me”

Smithsonian magazine recently conducted an interview with Eddie Van Halen about his decision to donate his guitar, the Frank 2, to the National Museum of American History.
When asked which of his past musical collaborations stands out his favorite, Eddie said, “Michael Jackson’s Beat It is a stand out for me. Quincy Jones called me up and asked me to play on it. When I got there, it took me 15 minutes to rearrange the song and I played two solos and told them they could pick the one they liked best. Then Michael walked in and said, ‘Wow! I really like that high fast stuff you do.’ It was a lot of fun to do. It’s crazy that something could take such a short amount of time and can grow into something beyond anything you could ever imagine.”


