

Cute Michael Jackson Stories ( 31 )

中文來源  編輯翻譯:stroller

Michael醒來,迎接他的是水果和果汁,還有潮水般的來自朋友和歌迷的資訊。Diana Ross打電話過來,Liza Minnelli也打了。而在這成百上千封電報中,他最喜歡的是一個女孩說的:我聽說你很火辣,Michael,但這太可笑了!等到第二天HoefflinMJ的整形醫生)過來的時候,Jackson在電視裏看了美國舞臺節目,據護士說,醫生檢查的時候,他還在床上唱著bebop(爵士樂的一個流派,強調和聲變化和個人即興)。
Recovering from the burn, January 1984
Michael awoke to a breakfast of fruit and juice and a tidal wave of messages from friends and fans. Diana Ross called. So did Liza Minnelli. Jackson ’s favorite among the hundreds of telegrams was one from a girl that said, “I heard you were hot, Michael, but this is ridiculous.”
By the time Hoefflin arrived the next day, Jackson had watched American Bandstand on TV and, according to one nurse, “was bebopping in bed while the doctors examined him.”

