

Cute Michael Jackson Stories ( 21 )



http://lacienegasmiled.wordpress ... el-jackson-stories/
中文來源  編輯翻譯:stroller

Russ Nashville我的一大擔心就是,總有一天會只剩下我和Michael在房間裏,沒有第三人在場。我對著鏡子排練過無數次,該對他說什麼。那一天終於來到了,雖然只有幾秒鐘,但對我來說好像很漫長。送餐的人來了,錄音室裏只有Michael和我兩個人。我看著地板,對自己說:就是現在,這就是我一直擔心的事情,我得想辦法打破尷尬。我深吸一口氣,抬起頭準備說話,然後……嘩!我被一大坨東西擊中了!我想:哦不!戰爭開始了!我揀起一些醃菜朝著Michael扔去,而他有向我擲來點別的東西,我們較量了好幾個回合。我們都笑得喘不過氣來(當然,後來我還得清掃戰場),此後足足又三個星期,我們一見面就忍不住大笑。他採取的這種令我感覺放鬆的辦法真棒!Michael真的是非常有幽默感的人,他喜歡看著人們像三個小丑”(Three Stooges)一樣手忙腳亂。我希望世間能有更多像Michael一樣的人,他真的是一個很棒的人。

Russ, Dangerous Recordings 1990-1991

OK here’s MY pie in the face funny story:
One fear of mine was that I knew there’d come a day that it would be just Michael and I in the same room one on one. I’d rehearsed it in the mirror over and over, just what was I going to say to this guy??? Well that day came, and what was probably seconds, seemed like a very long time. Catering had arrived at the Studio and here Michael and I were standing by ourselves. I was looking at the floor and said to myself, “this is it, this is what I‘ve been afraid of, I’m going to have to break the ice.” I took a big deep breath and raised my head to speak and … wham .. I got hit with a handful of corn, I thought, “oh no this is going to be war” … I picked up some pickles and threw them at Michael, then he threw something else and it went back and forth for a while. We were laughing so hard (I had to clean it all up later of coarse) but for three weeks we couldn’t look at each other without laughing. What a great way for him to make me feel at ease. Michael really has a great sense of humor, he just loves seeing people do a 3 stooges act and fumble all over themselves. I wish there were more people in the world exactly like Michael Jackson, he is truly one amazing human being.

