

Cute Michael Jackson Stories ( 13 )

“Captain Eo”劇組,1985812

http://lacienegasmiled.wordpress ... el-jackson-stories/
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Harrison Ellenshaw
Disney最棒的特技指導)說,Michael和所有參加拍攝的技術人員關係都很鐵。我相信他是個非常好的傢夥,但有時候真的有些尷尬。Harry某天回到家,發現他的孩子們都翻天了!他們難以相信!看來Michael Jackson給他打過電話,想要聊聊天,交流一些超凡脫俗的想法之類。他的聲音清清楚楚地被錄在電話答錄機上。Harry的孩子們那天晚上給所有的朋友都打了電話,一遍又一遍放著Michael的電話留言。

“Captain Eo” set, usenet, 12th August 1985
Gossip-from-friend-of-friend-of-coworker-of-occasional-tennis-player-buddy-of-guy-who-works-on-set-(how else does anything spread around Hollywood?) Department:
Harrison Ellenshaw (Disney special effects ace) reports that Michael’s buddy-buddying up to all the technical people on the shoot (much to their amusement). I’m sure he’s a perfectly nice guy and all, but it _ i_ s a little disconcerting. So Harry comes home and his kids are in an uproar; they can’t believe it! Seems that Michael Jackson called him up at home to just chat, you know? Toss around some ethereal ideas and such. Left a message in his unmistakable tones on the answering machine.  So his kids spend the rest of the evening calling all their friends and playing back Michael’s message from the answering machine.

Peter Ellenshaw - Mickey's Dream

