

Cute Michael Jackson Stories ( 11 )

John Landis,與Michael一起去迪士尼世界,1984

中文來源  編輯翻譯:stroller

Thriller之後,我們去了迪士尼世界。我書房裏的這張我一直珍藏的照片就是那次拍的,那是一張Michael Jackson、米老鼠和我在一起的傻照片。拍攝剛剛拍了兩張,我就聽到震耳欲聾的聲音,我四處張望,看到一個保安驚慌地沖著麥克風在喊話。我轉過身,不知道該如何解釋,但這絕對是我一生中唯一真正被嚇著的一次,我當時想,我們要死了!

人山人海,他們將我們所在的這片草地嚴嚴實實地包圍成了個孤島,只有一條細細的鏈條阻擋住他們。我看到人海從每個方向湧來。成千上萬的人,都陷入歇斯底里之中。那是像BeatlesElvisSinatra瘋狂一般的歇斯底里,現在他們處在Michael Jackson歇斯底里中。我邊看邊想,哦,上帝!,而周邊的聲音越來越響,直至尖叫起來,我得喊著說話才能讓身邊的人聽到。

John Landis, visiting Disney World with Michael, 1984

“After Thriller we went to Disney World and I have this photograph in my library that I really treasure which is a really silly photo of Michael Jackson, Mickey and me. The guy took like two pictures when I heard this deafening noise and I looked and I saw this security guy *****ing out and talking into his microphone. I turned around and I don’t really know how to explain it but it was the only time in my life that I was truly terrified and I thought, “We’re dead”. It was a sea of people and they completely surrounded this island of grass and they were held back by this little chain and by when I saw a sea of people, it was people as far as you can see in every direction. There were thousands of people, all of whom were hysterical. The kind of hysterical like Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra-hysterical. They were Michael Jackson hysterical. I looked and I thought, “Oh my God”, and it got louder and the screaming and you had to shout to hear the person next to you.

And at Disneyland , the characters in those costumes, they’re never allowed to speak and then Mickey looks at me and goes, “Holy ****!”. And I don’t know how long it was but out of nowhere this Cadillac limousine, I’ll never forget it, I don’t know here it came from… just *poof*… it was Disney magic, and the security people grabbed Michael, Mickey, and I and throws us into the car with Mickey’s giant head and slams the doors and the chains broke and it was like the ocean, like surf. This wall of people, you know, like the Sorcerer’s apprentice, surround the car. And Mickey and I are just platzing, the driver was like, “I don’t know what to do” and I said, “Don’t drive you’ll kill somebody!” and Michael was like, “Hi…, Hello”, totally not phased!”

