

CoCo Lee Remembers Michael Jackson

來源  作者:blackandy
華人天后CoCo李玟近日接受香港媒體訪問,談起第一次見到流行天王邁克爾傑克遜(Michael Jackson),是在1999年麥可在韓國舉辦的慈善演唱會,當時CoCo和瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)、Boys2Man、劉德華等人擔任演出嘉賓;而CoCo是唯一到後臺和麥可傑克森碰面的歌手,當時帶CoCo到後臺的是她在美國的經紀人Jim Morey,也正是麥可傑克森的前經紀人(1990~1997)CoCo回憶著說:“Michael很喜歡我的名字,不停的喊著CoCo CoCo,非常友善、可愛。

CoCo Lee and Michael in Seoul on 25 June 1999

後來,CoCo在美國的比佛利山莊(Beverly Hills)買了房子,鄰居有成龍、好萊鎢的導演等,其中CoCo一位導演鄰居恰好是邁克爾的好朋友;2003年導演鄰居邀請CoCo一起去邁克爾位於加州的夢幻莊園Neverland),CoCo表示,那裡地方很大,很多不同的區域,有各式各樣人物的蠟像館、很多遊樂器的遊樂園、小型賽車場、動物園,宛如狄斯奈樂園,像小朋友的娛樂場一般。


在早上CoCoMJ一起吃早餐時,MJ更跟CoCo說:“My home is your home!”,完全沒有天皇巨星的架子,當晚MJCoCo到家裡的視聽房欣賞他的名曲Thriller的最新Remix版本,當時CoCo看到MJ的神情就像小孩子一樣可愛。之後CoCoMJ曾去過邁亞米渡假,又曾經和他家人一起在酒店的套房看電視上播放的MJ特輯。CoCo覺得雖然MJ已離開了我們,但當他在天堂上看到原來有那麼多樂迷喜愛他,相信他也會非常開心。剛巧CoCo這個月的17日將會在洛杉磯的迪士尼音樂廳舉行演唱會,她已預備好重唱MJ的歌曲跟現場觀眾一起懷念這位超級巨星。

同年,一群人相約前往邁阿密,住在邁克爾的朋友家中,用餐時,邁克爾的兩個小孩非常喜歡和CoCo玩,還拿起她的手機幫麥可拍照。後來,CNN的一個節目製作關於邁克爾的記錄片,邁克爾很興奮地邀請了朋友們到LA著名的比佛利飯店(Beverly Hills Hotel)CoCo也受到邀請,帶著媽媽一同前往,大家很開心的一起觀看這段訪問播出。CoCo表示,那是很美好的回憶,我從來不會去透露和任何藝人的友誼,現在說出來是因為Michael對我的影響很大,我是聽他的音樂長大,Michael是個很仔細的人,要求完美,每一秒都想到自己的音樂、表演,彷佛為他的音樂而存在,聽聞他猝逝,我一時不能接受,還哭了。邁克爾也曾經跟友人表示很欣賞個性純真的CoCo

表示,Michael是非常nice的人,很紳士、很有愛心,他喜歡跟小孩子在一起,覺得很單純,沒有利害關係,所以常被外界誤會。本來已打算要去看邁克爾的複出演唱會,很多朋友都買好票了,聽聞他猝逝的惡耗,感到很難過,到現在還不願相信他離開了;但CoCo很幸運自己曾經跟麥可相處過,CoCo說:“Michael Jackson是我的偶像,在我的ipod裡都有他的歌,他是music genius,才華無可取代,對我的歌唱表演更是影響深重,未來在我的演唱會中,將設計向他致敬的橋段。

CoCo Lee Remembers Michael
A Chinese American, CoCo Lee has an international singing career after becoming successful in Taiwan. She is best known for her song "A love before time: for the Chinese Kung Fu epic"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". The song was nominated for Academy Award for best song which she performed at an Oscar ceremony in 2001.
Like many others, Lee grew up with Michael's music. His music influenced her hugely as a singer, she's also one of a lucky few who knew Michael personally. When she first heard about Michael's death, she simply could not believe it. Saddened by the news, she recounted her time with the King of Pop to a Hong Kong newspaper in 2009. Describing him as a really nice and kind person who had lots of empathy for others, with a pure and childlike innocence.
Lee recalled her first meeting with her idol Michael Jackson, which was arranged by her manager Jim Morey(Michael's former manager), when she was a guest performer at the "Michael Jackson and Friends" benefit concert in Seoul, South Korea in 1999. "Michael really like my name and kept calling CoCo! CoCo! He was very sweet and friendly!" said Lee.
After she moved to Beverly Hills in 2003, her good friend and a director neighbour who knew Michael well, invited her to go along to visit Michael for a two day vacation at Neverland Ranch. At breakfast, Michael said to Lee: "My home is your home!" Being the biggest star on the planet, there wasn't any super star attitude in him. He even confided in her about his skin problems and sought her advice. They spent most of the time in his game arcade, playing basketballs, and game machines. If any rude words were spoken by his director friend, he would cover his ears like a child and say: "I'm not listening!" That evening, Michael invited Lee to listen to his brand new version of Thriller Remix. Lee described the excitement on his face as just as sweet as a child.
Lee later received more invitations from Michael, one was a group vacation to Miami, another was to watch a MJ's special on TV together with his family and friends at the Beverly Hills Hotel in La. His two elder children loved playing with her, she still kept her old mobile phone which contains a photo of Michael taken by his children.
Michael's private party with family and friends
"There will never be anther talent like him again, he was a super star, and I'm just so fortunate to have known him!" Lee added. Those were her precious memories of the King of Pop, includes this rare photo of her and Michael backstage at the "Michael Jackson and Friends" benefit concert in Seoul, dated 25 June 1999. Who would have thought that just a decade later on this date, the world would lose a greatest entertainer of our era.
Lee later payed tribute to Michael by performing some of his classic songs at the Walt Disney Hall in La. She also attended the grand opening ceremony of the MJ Gallery at Ponte 16 Macau in Asia in 2010.

