

Chef Remi shares her memories of Michael

(邁克爾·傑克遜中國網 by caelian 2008828

Remi是一位巴西名廚。她的精湛廚藝使巴西總統和Michael Jackson深深著迷,好萊塢明星和巴西的王權為她的手藝傾倒。許多巨星經常光臨靠近好萊塢的Copacabana飯店(如今已不再營業)。其時,名廚已經退休,在洛杉磯居住。今年,她將被致以敬意,第七屆年度巴西嘉年華的主題人物,地點在長灘——巴西人和美國人同樣對美食家致敬的地方。
在一個訪談節目中Remi講述了她為Michael Jackson工作時的事情。

Brazzil》:您與Quincy Jones有一段特殊的關系,他怎麼成為您的大粉絲的?

:實際上,那時我幾乎為所有銀幕上的大明星和音樂人都烹飪過。有一餐是我在為一些其他音樂人做菜時,席間遇到Quincy,他極愛我的手藝,然後問道,他是否能來這裏商談要事。他告訴我他想當Michael Jackson的音樂製作人,但每次他邀請Michael到家裏做客的時候,Michael從來不在他家吃飯——能不能讓Michael嘗嘗我的手藝?他說Michael是個素食者,對吃進嘴裏的東西簡直挑剔到錙銖必較。我說:試試看吧。

Brazzil》:給我講講你跟隨Michael Jackson顫栗巡演的經歷吧。

辦公桌後的男人一邊遞給我機票一邊說道:你現在趕去機場。這是你的機票。我問他這到底怎麼回事?他解釋道Michael Jackson正胃痛,特別要求我在顫栗巡演中擔任他的特別營養顧問。他胃痛的厲害,說除非我能來做私家菜給他,否則絕不登臺。搞的大家都很緊張,他們說如果取消演出的話會損失上百萬美金。我必須馬上去。

Brazzil》:他們不叫你“Michael Jackson的廚師,他們稱你為他的營養專家,是不是?

我知道我肯定成功了,因為Michael Jackson常吃我的菜肴,而且他對食物的攝入非常非常挑剔。但是因為Michael這麼大牌,我在顫栗的全球巡演中花了不少心思,因為人們稱呼我為他的營養專家。最終,在巡演期間,我止住了他的胃痛,而且他的身體對於我的菜肴沒有任何問題。
巴西的O Globo電視臺在Fantastico脫口秀為我作為Michael Jackson營養專家做了一個專題節目。一家日本雜志也做了一個Michael Jackson營養專家的報道。我揣測我對於他們並非一個廚師,而是一位營養專家。但是今天,我感覺廚師的一部分即是營養學家
Brazzil》:對於你的墨西哥辣醬還有段淵源呢,和Quincy Jones在麥迪遜花園廣場,Michael Jackson的顫栗巡演的時候,說說這個。

:嗯,Quincy Jones愛極我的墨西哥辣醬。Quincy初試辣醬並為之著魔是在西德尼在波伊蒂爾的家裏。有一次在麥迪遜花園廣場我剛把MJ的特別茶品準備完畢,並放在後臺供他飲場。當我弄完之後,我回到觀眾席等待演出。
Brazzil》:有一次我聽到Quincy Jones讓他的兄弟排成一排挨個親吻你的腳面,真有這回事嗎?

Brazzil》: 說說你為好萊塢那些人物烹飪過?

:我為如此——如此多的人烹飪過。有一次我為Michael JacksonElizabeth Taylor單獨烹飪過。在MJ的家裏。這件事非常特殊。我為Oprah WinfreyPaul McCartneyEddie MurphyDick Van DykeSugar Ray LeonardMagic JohnsonBill CosbyWillie NelsonHerb Albert——太多了,一一記不住。我曾經遇到過Gregory PeckJames Stewart在附近遛狗,我可以和他們交談並相識。他們是很棒的人。

:實在、實在太棒了。巴西電視臺為我做了專題節目。一家日本雜志也同時做了報道。不過更多是因為Michael Jackson的緣故而並非由於我的廚藝。
Chef Remi shares her memories of Michael

I met Quincy once at a dinner I cooked for some other musician. He loved my food and asked me if he could come and do something very important. He told me that he wanted to be Michael Jackson's producer but every time he invited Michael to his house, Michael would never eat. He asked me if he could get Michael to eat some of my food. He said that Michael was a vegetarian and very picky about what he ate. I said I would try.

I went to Quincy 's house and there I met Michael for the first time. I took him aside and told him, "Let me make you something very special. I know how to cook very healthy food from Brazil . All natural, all vegetarian. You will like it." He agreed. I made him some black beans, collard greens, farofa and some other things and he ate four plates full!

Quincy was kissing me all night long and from that time, he has called me many times to cook for him.

I was living in West Los Angeles in a small apartment when I got a phone call. The person on the phone asked me to look outside. He said: "See the limousine? Get in it, now!" I told him I could not because I was taking care of a person off the street and could not leave him. They said that they would send someone to look after the person right away and for me to get into the car. I told them I had to change my clothes because I was all dirty from cleaning. They didn't care. Finally I agreed when the man arrived to take care of my guest and I was taken to a big building in Beverly Hills and up to the very top penthouse. It was very luxurious.

The man on the other side of the desk handed me a ticket and said "you are going to the airport right now. Here is your ticket." I asked him why. He explained to me that Michael Jackson was having stomach aches and specifically requested me to be his "nutritionist" on the "Victory" tour. He was feeling sick to his stomach and refused to go on stage until they sent me to be his private cook. They were all very nervous. They said they were losing millions of dollars in canceled shows and I had to go right then.

I told them I could not and could

Here's a news article clipping that was published on June 30th 2009 ; it's not in English but I'm pretty sure it's related to, or a similar account, to the above post.

 only go in the morning. After a lot of arguing, they agreed to let me go home and they picked me up early in the morning and I was off to Birmingham , Alabama .
news clipping source:
And here's a short excerpt from
"Through Quincy Remy met Michael Jackson during a dinner party. Michael and Remy hit if off right away as by this time Remy was a baptized and devout Jehovah’s Witness, a faith that Michael was keenly aware of through his mother Katherine. Through Remy’s friendship and business relationship with Michael she got to meet other high profile stars. People like Elizabeth Taylor, Yul Brynner and his wife along with Paul McCartney and many others. Remy was then hired to work as Michael Jackson’s nutritionist in 1981 and 1984 during the Triumph and Victory tours. After the tours were over Remy was still being called upon to cook for the Jackson ’s which she did with pleasure as she is very fond of them and has an enormous amount of respect for them."

Michael, with  his mother Katherine, brother Tito and Chef Remy
I spent eight weeks with Michael and his family on the road during the tour. It was an incredible trip I will never forget.

Michael and I became friends and I saw him number of times after that. I visited him in the hospital when his hair caught on fire and I saw him once in a while at an award's show or party. I even cooked for Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor alone in Michael's house. That was very special.
--- Remy Vila Real

