


 來源紐約時報   編譯:Keen

1990年,澳大利亞畫家Brett-Livingstone Strong完成了一幅名為《書》(The Book)的油畫。在這幅50*40英寸的油畫裏,他的親密朋友邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)身穿夢幻般的紅色天鵝絨外套,正襟危坐。

這幅畫目前有兩個玩具發明家擁有。Marty Abrams和John Gentilly在1992年從一個日本商人那裏買到這幅畫。那個日本人為了還債,不得不賣出這幅畫。


但在傑克遜逝世後,他們又把這幅畫拿了出來。部分原因是因為他們看到Andy Warhol的那幅傑克遜經典畫作已經準備放上拍賣台。

在傑克遜死後,這幅畫的擁有人接到了四面八方的電話,包括來自迪拜的電話。他們現在已經接觸了Phillips De Pury拍賣行,來為這幅畫估價。“我不是藝術品專家,我不懂藝術市場,”Abrams說,“我們不知道它到底價值多少。100萬美元?還是1000萬美元?”

(編譯:邁邁糖   來源 /

佈雷特•埃文斯頓•斯特朗(Brett Livingston Strong)是邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)聘來為其繪下肖像畫《書》(The Book)和描繪邁克爾•傑克遜與麗莎•瑪麗•普利斯利(Lisa Marie Presley)的畫作《情人》(Lovers)的唯一一位畫家,後者重現了經典名作《許拉斯和水澤女仙》(Hylas and the Nymphs)。

Another painting of Michael by  Brett Strong
Michael and artist Brett-Livingstone Strong, 1989
Brett Livingstone Strong is an Australian artist who counts among his clients and friends whit our Michael (he even called “The Michelangelo of our time”)
After Michael’s accident in the shooting of Pepsi commercial, Brett is responsible for making a bronze relief for the Michael Jackson Burn Center .
Since then meets with MJ several times.
In 1989 is created the Jackson-Strong Alliance, according to them to create “dynamic art company largest in the world to promote the power of imagination and contribute to important causes in the world.” Some of the benefits of Strong ended up in Heal The World Foundation.
MJ That year he wrote the following letter:

“I know the creator will go,
But his work survives,
that is why to escape
death, I attempt to bind
my soul to my work.Michaelangelo.To Brett, Love,

Michael Jackson
6/7/89 “

Brett created the painting “The Book” in which Michael poses with a book in his hands which has not revealed the title, but it was said that a letter was very important in the life of Michael.

The table also made a limited edition of lithographs signed by MJ

But the original painting is purchased by Hiromichi Saeki, Japanese who paid $ 2.1 million beating a record. It is the picture of a more expensive living artist in history.
In November 92, Brett leads to Lisa Marie singing with Michael …
Brett Strong: “Obviously, Lisa was not looking to Michael for his fame or success. She was looking for him purely because he is a gentleman. She has never questioned the charges against him.
“I told Michael that what would happen if you submit the best person on the planet who has not yet come to light and it’s beautiful.” Michael’s response was … ‘What are you talking about? Who is? ‘ I told Lisa Marie Presley. Michael’s answer was’ No! Can you sing? ” It’s fantastic, I said. Michael said, “Well, obviously I’m interested Brett. Can you get me a tape or something?”
Lisa did not want to record a tape to sing to him, so Brett organizes the event …

November 1992, they meet at Brett Livingstone's house“In fact that day was the first they were together and when Lisa sang a few songs for Michael. It was a fabulous experience, I think for both. And Michael was honored. I was like, ‘Wow! I’m lucky’ and Lisa felt the same
After two years of that came the wedding
“It’s a story pure and simple. It is a relationship that grew from a friend.”
At that time, Brett made several paintings related to Michael and Lisa. In two of them Michael Lisa is swimming in a swamp …

In 1992 Michael spent their alliance a page from the book of Dangerous Tour:
“In 1989, Michael Jackson and artist-sculptor, Brett-Livingstone Strong, formed the Jackson-Strong Alliance. Their aim has been to establish the world’s most dynamic arts enterprise, promoting the power of imagination, not just for creativity sake, but for the sake of important world causes. Michael and Brett have focused their creative expression in support of the arts, children everywhere and our planet.

 Partnership plans include ventures in the fine arts, monumental works, architecture, publishing, entertainment and magnetics. Throughout Brett’s career, the art world has embraced his work with record setting prices. And environmental art exhibition featuring works by Michael and Brett is being toured in conjunction with Michael Jackson’s Dangerous world tour. Brett’s environmental creations have an estimated value of $ 30’ 000,000 dollars. Some of these works will be sold with a substantial portion of the proceeds being donated to the Heal The World Foundation and Children’s charities.
The combination of Brett and Michael’s talents represent an unprecedented powerful partnership that defines the driving force and unlimited success of the Jackson-Strong Alliance.”

Among other works dedicated to MJ did, Healing Hands



