


來源    翻譯:ZBAMJJ1986    


2010年4月7日 — 邁克爾.傑克遜在愛爾蘭居住的五個月那段日子,他和培迪.鄧寧(Paddy Dunning)一起呆在韋斯米斯特。今天,鄧寧親自揭幕了自己為流行音樂之王創作的一具蠟像,以此紀念他。



格勞斯旅館所在地韋斯特米斯風光迷人,可以和凱恩斯及其它歷史名勝相媲美。它並沒有公開,然而還是有很多音樂巨星找到了它。這裏的錄音室于2002年建立,用過它的名人們包括:雪警樂團(Snow Patrol),聯合黨樂隊(Bloc Party),REM,雪麗.貝西(Shirley Bassey),立體聲樂隊(Stereophonics),瘋狂傳教士(Manic Street Preachers),顫動樂隊(The Thrills)以及西城男孩(Westlife)。



格勞斯居所對面是一處漂亮的近代維多利亞風格豪宅,可以對外向藝術家或者公眾租賃。傑克遜在格勞斯居所住了一個月,在這裏住了四個月。謝摩斯.希尼(Seamus Heaney)也在這裏呆了一段日子。這週末我到這裏之前,14個員警為了舉辦一個女性聚會租了這個房子。





“有時候他們會,”鄧寧說。“有時候我載著他去都柏林,我們在紅線區停車,邁克爾就往窗外看,因為他是坐在副駕駛位置,然後看到的人就會不相信他的眼睛。他們會亂成一團,不知道該去相信什麼 — 邁克爾傑克遜和我一同在街邊停車還是什麼?”


五月一號那天在山附近會有煙火,還會有音樂,手工藝品,大賣場和討論歷史和神話的區域。莎朗.莎倫(sharon shannon),曼迪(Mundy),庫拉(Kila)和其他人將會表演。這座山的主人被邀請于黃昏時分在山頂點亮煙火,所有人開始慶祝。




朋友回憶傑克遜對愛爾蘭的喜愛 來源  作者:shell88

在遠離閃光燈的鄉野田園,不安的靈魂找到了寧靜 作者:NIAMH HORAN
這個週末,正當粉絲們為邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)的去世而震驚的時候,這位巨星在愛爾蘭的朋友已經開始拼接起這個面具後的男人的珍貴圖景。



傑克遜2006年在愛爾蘭期間,招待他的城堡主人派翠克·諾德斯特朗(Patrick Nordstrum)第一次講述了他所認識的傑克遜。 






同時,曾在傑克遜逗留期間為他的孩子們表演的魔術師連恩·謝罕(Liam Sheehan),表達了聽到消息時的悲傷:我所認識的他是一位元好心的紳士。他的一生被人追逐令人悲傷。我希望他已找到他的天堂一隅。




傑克遜曾於1988年在科克和19921997年在都柏林舉行音樂會。推廣人奧利佛·巴里(Oliver Barry),曾兩次將傑克遜引入愛爾蘭,他說音樂界失去了一個獨一無二的人。


培迪·鄧寧(Paddy Dunning),擁有位於韋斯特米斯郡的Grouse Lodge錄音室,在200610月接待了邁克爾·傑克遜和他的三個孩子。




令我驚奇的是發現邁克爾在演奏樂器時是那麼不可思議。他會坐在鋼琴前彈奏所有披頭士的歌曲,我們跟著唱;或者敲鼓,或者彈吉他。邁克爾和羅德尼·傑金斯(Rodney Jerkins),Will.i.am和其他音樂家合作,但他錄製的曲目沒有完成。

·華特(Ken Water)補充說:我們這裏還有邁克爾的一個老鍵盤。那是一個壞了的卡西歐老鍵盤,我差點把它給扔了。我猜他拿它來構思或作MIDI控制器。


傑克遜好萊塢的鄰居和朋友,踢踏舞王邁克爾·弗萊特利(Michael Flatley),也和人們一起哀悼,向這一位塑造了一代人的偶像表達敬意。





  1. Michael Jackson and Ireland

    Friends Remember Michael's special fondness for Ireland

    For the first time, castle owner Patrick Nordstrum, who hosted Jackson during his 2006 stay in Ireland, has spoken fondly of the star he personally came to know.

    Speaking about the entertainer who lived with him for two weeks at his home, Blackwater Castle in Co Cork, Mr Nordstrum described private chats that the pair had about the singer's feelings towards the vulturistic world he lived in.

    "I don't think he ever had any kind of peace or normality since he was a child. I would see him as a restless soul but he felt quite homely here. He was very careful about who he trusted. He once told me how he had gone to stay at another castle to seek out privacy and he had just landed in the helicopter a few minutes when the owner took him straight inside, opened a door and there was a hundred or so people waiting there to meet him. So he was understandably very wary."

    He also described how Jackson, long vilified for dressing his children in black veils and hiding them away from the world, was in fact a model father who placed his children's interests above all else.

    "His children adored him and he was a very good, loving father. He brought them here because they had been hunted down in Disneyland Paris and they were looking for a place to escape. He raised them to be very well mannered and very polite and all his decision's centred on the children's best interests."

    Recalling some light-hearted memories of his time with Jackson he said, "My wife Sheila is very much into her healthy food and she had a bowl of porridge every morning so she gave some to Michael, he loved it and he insisted on having a bowl every morning from then on."

    Meanwhile, magician Liam Sheehan, who was brought in to entertain Jackson 's children during his stay at the castle, described his sadness upon hearing the news.

    "The man that I came to know was kind-hearted and a gentleman. It is tragic that he spent his life being hunted. I hope he has found his little piece of heaven now."

    He went on: "His children adored him. They would ask me if I would race their dad and tell me proudly that he would win because he was so tall and fast. You could tell they really looked up to him."

    And Mr Sheehan spoke of the disciplined way in which Jackson reared his offspring. "Even at the end of their stay, when they were leaving for home, the children jumped into the limousine and Michael made them get out again and come over to thank each and every one of us for our hospitality."

    Painting the picture of an ordinary character who enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, he said: "His real personality only really emerged in the privacy of the woods. The shyness left him and I saw a much more boisterous and loud spirit who loved playing with his children. That quiet-spoken Michael that you would see in the media instantly disappeared.

    "He loved apple pie and ice-cream and really enjoyed being in the privacy of the castle grounds and I know he loved the friendliness of the Irish people."

    Jackson played concerts in Cork in 1988 and Dublin in 1992 and 1997. Promoter Oliver Barry, who brought the singer to Ireland twice, said the music industry has lost one of a kind.

    "On stage he was amazing. It is a huge loss for the business. He was a true professional. I saw Elvis Presley twice, I saw Sinatra, I saw the Beatles, the Stones, and without a doubt, when he was in his prime, he was the best I have ever seen. He had whatever the 'X' factor is times a thousand."

    Paddy Dunning, who owns residential recording studio Grouse Lodge, near Moate, Co Westmeath, was host to Michael Jackson and his three children in October 2006.

    The pop icon caused a sensation when he moved into the Georgian estate at Rosemount, just off the Dublin-Galway road.

    "Michael had originally only intended staying in Westmeath for a month, but ended up living here for five months," says Dunning who's abiding memory of the star was how he casually displayed his immense musical genius.

    "Michael was an amazing guitarist, he was incredible on the drums, he stunned everyone when he got behind the piano, but most of all, you can't overstate his singing voice."

    Dunning became a close confident to Michael during his stay and was in contact with the Jackson family after his death was announced. He confirmed this weekend that Jackson loved his time in Ireland so much he'd even pledged to return this autumn to open the National Wax Museum in Dublin .

    "He told me that he would definitely pop over when he came for his gigs in London ," Dunning said.

    "He would have settled down here for while, I have no doubt about that, he loved Ireland and Westmeath."

    Hollywood neighbour and friend of the singer Michael Flatley also joined the country's mourners in paying their respect to an icon that shaped a generation.

    Speaking from Las Vegas , the dancer, who hosted Michael Jackson in his Cork home, Castlehyde, near Fermoy, described the star as a "wonderful" person who fell victim to unfair treatment by the world's media.

    "I knew Michael as a man, not just a performer, and he was a great man. The world will miss this wonderful person and his moving performances. My heart goes out to Michael's family."

    He went on: "I was shocked and saddened to hear the devastating news. He was a genius as a musician and a dancer. The press at times was horribly unfair to this man. Unfortunately, the media tend to make fun of things they cannot understand."

    - NIAMH HORAN Entertainment News Reporter


