


來源 / nwitimes.com編譯:Badthriller 

2011年6月7日 - 塗鴉藝術家格裏•格瓦拉(Gerry Guevara)說上週六他剛和另外4個塗鴉藝術家一起紀念了邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson),當時離傑克遜2009年6月25日 在加利福尼亞去世差不多快2年。
這幅壁畫用各種設計和明亮的顏色畫在了一家位於第五大道(Fifth Avenue)和羅爾斯頓街的(Ralston Street)輪胎修補店的東邊。


那堵牆的另一部分,則由傑森•阿吉雷(Jason Aguirre)畫上了邁克爾•傑克遜的卡通形象。


Graffiti art preserves Michael Jackson legacy in Gary, Indiana
Jim Bis | The Times Hammond artist Jason “Bone” Aguirre uses aerosol paint Saturday to finish his impression of a young Michael Jackson for a mural at Fifth and Ralston Avenue in Gary.
GARY | Gerry Guevara deftly used spray paint to put the final touches on a side of a wall portrait of a young Michael Jackson.

Guevara, who calls himself a graffiti or aerosol artist, said he and four other artists Saturday memorialized Jackson nearly two years after his death. He died June 25, 2009, in California .
The mural, expected to be completed today, is being painted with a variety of designs and bright colors on the east side of a tire repair shop at Fifth Avenue and Ralston Street .
“I figure this is the best place to do the mural in the city where Michael was born,” Guevara said.
Guevara said it’s also appropriate to portray the King of Pop’s early years, when he was a member of The Jackson Five, since that was nearer the time he and his family had lived in Gary .
The music The Jackson Five produced is Guevara’s favorite time period of Michael Jackson.
“I liked him when he was with The Jackson Five and remember hearing the music when I was in grade school,” Guevara said.

Jim Bis | The Times Artist Ish Muhammad, 28, spray-paints a cartoon caricature of Michael Jackson for The Jackson Five mural to commemorate the second anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death later this month.
In addition to paying tribute to the Gary native, the mural is a way to brighten up a dull corner and also can educate the public about graffiti artists.
“Some people confuse graffiti with gangs, but this is entirely different. We’re not claiming territory,” Guevara said.
On another portion of the wall, Jason Aguirre, of Hammond , completed his work — a depiction of Michael Jackson’s TV cartoon character.
“I like doing a lot of cartoons,” Aguirre said.
Graffiti artist Ish Muhammad, who like the other artists always signs his work, said his part will include doing a lot of the background.

He compared the gathering Saturday of the graffiti artists to a group of friends getting together to play a round of golf.
Although there is camaraderie among the artists, there is also a feeling of competition as to who can do the best.
“We’re trying to beat each other,” Muhammad said.

