

記憶故事:Alan Prater和MJ

翻譯:邁克爾傑克遜-音悅Tai飯團/ Sky Young

歌手兼詞作家Alan Prater在佛羅裏達的傑克遜維爾出生長大,在那的高中他學會了銅管類樂器小號和長號。十幾歲的時候他被選中為Jackson 5在巡演中伴奏。在19811985年期間,他成為了MJ的小號和長號的演奏者。2009年當他聽到MJ去世的消息時,他感到目瞪口呆,不知所措。他說道:“MJ是我見過的最和善的人。對我來說他永遠都不曾死去。

Prater: "Michael Was The Kindest Person I Ever Met"

Source: MJFC / Montreal Gazette

( 11-1-2013 ) Singer and songwriter Alan Prater was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida (USA), where he learned to play trumpet and trombone in high school. Later he was hired to tour with The Jacksons when he was just in his late teens. He performed on stage with Michael Jackson from 1981 to 1985 as a trumpet and trombone player.

When Michael died in 2009, Prater was dumbfounded:

“A friend called me to say that Michael had died, so I turned on CNN and there he was. I was numb.

I tell you, Michael was the kindest person I ever met. He’d introduce me to Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minelli like I already knew these people.

And after each show, I’d sit in my hotel room and Michael would knock on the door every night and we’d talk. He was always curious about other people’s lives.

I thought he was going to live forever.”

