

2004年Michael Jackson在牧場招待來訪兒童歡度聖誕節


Dec 17, 2004 Children at Neverland Ranch for Christmas Party




本週五,熱情洋溢的Michael Jackson在自己的Neverland莊園裏招待了約200名來家裏歡度聖誕節假期的兒童和家長。盡管有指控在身,這位流行天王還是按照慣例邀請孩子們前來做客。 自從去年員警兩次到牧場來搜集犯罪證據以後,Jackson說他已不再把這個地方作為自己的家了。繼續舉辦假日派對活動,只是希望能為孩子們多做一些事情。


我更愛你們!”Jackson微笑著向他們致意道,他和他們交談了約10分鐘,還帶著他們走過了屋前的小橋。隨後Michael Jackson乘車離開了莊園,而孩子們則盡情地開始遊玩。 這群孩子是六個慈善機構用大巴士組織帶來的,他們有的是聖芭芭拉地區的小病號,有的則來自洛杉磯第一AME教會。據Jackson發言人Raymone K. Bain說,Jackson這次罕見地決定親自見見來訪的孩子們,但這次活動與Jackson即將到來的審判沒有關系。


坐落在風景如畫的聖芭芭拉縣郊外,是一個童話般的世外桃源,有溪流、有瀑布、有湖泊,到處是彼得·潘和孩子們的銅像。動物園裏有兩頭大象、一匹駱駝、火烈鳥等。孩子們一進動物園就能看見。 樂園還向孩子們免費提供午餐、糖果和爆米花,一個工作人員穿成聖誕老人在旁服務。孩子們還在遊戲大廳裏玩各種各樣的電子遊戲。


還透露說Jackson現在精神狀態不錯。他顧及到了所有的一切,他看上去很好。不過在週五,加州上訴法院駁回了Jackson律師的上訴,認為法官Rodney Melville裁定大陪審團控罪書沒有問題合乎法律。
Michael Jackson週五在慈善派對上的講話
Michael Jackson於週五打開Neverland的大門,歡迎200多名孩子們前來遊玩,以下便是他當時與孩子們見面時的講話:大家好!歡迎來到Neverland!我只想藉這個機會向你們和今天伴隨你們前來的父母親們問聲好。多年以來,很多機構,就如帶你們來的機構一樣,都曾經帶著孩子們來拜訪過Neverland。我希望你們如先來者們一樣,今天玩得開心。這有很多讓你們觀看和遊戲的東西……所以,好好玩吧!


對我們來說,Michael Jackson比聖誕老人還重要。


即便是我們最瘋狂的幻想,也沒有想到我們能有機會能向Michael Jackson當面問好。



'Merry Christmas. I love you'

By Linda Deutsch
December 19, 2004The Sun-Herald

A high-spirited Michael Jackson greeted about 200 children who were brought yesterday for a Christmas party at his Neverland countryside theme-park style ranch in California .
He even looked at one point like he might stay to play with them.
"I hope you have a wonderful day. Merry Christmas. I love you," the pop singer called out from the driveway of his estate.
When one of the youngsters shouted, "We love you!", Jackson replied "I love you more" before putting an umbrella over his head and walking back toward his house.
In his brief appearance, Jackson smiled, waved and at one point looked as if he would come back and play with the children, but instead got into a vehicle that took him off the property.
Spokeswoman Raymone Bain said Jackson chose to make the unusual personal appearance as a surprise for the last group of children touring Neverland before the Christmas holiday.
Santa Barbara County authorities have charged Jackson , 46, with molesting a boy, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.
His trial is set for next year.
Investigators have raided the ranch, and in a recent court filing that seeks to introduce evidence of other purported crimes that went uncharged, prosecutors described the estate as "a veritable paradise" for children.
Ms Bain said charitable and civic groups bring children to Neverland at least three times a month; the estate contains streams, waterfalls and a lake, and the grounds are decorated with bronze statues of children at play.
Two elephants, a camel, a baby llama and flamingoes were on hand yesterday. The estate provided lunch, candy canes, popcorn and a Santa Claus.
"Mr Jackson is not here all the time," Ms Bain said. "There are events here daily. He wanted to surprise the kids. He has given his whole life to children and charities."

