

1989年 米高積遜給予安慰和禮物斯托克頓校園槍擊受害者

1989 Michael offers comfort and gifts to victims of Stockton school shooting

Michael at Cleveland Elementary after the shooting

Some of you may have already read or seen this story. However, I wanted to include it here because it speaks so well of Michael’s heart. This the Michael we know – the man who could feel a child’s heart breaking or a sense a child’s pain or fear from anywhere across the world or hear a child’s tiny voice in a noisy restaurant – and immediately want to help, listen, and comfort. …All they can do is be themselves, to shine with gratitude and joy when love is turned their way. Yet isn’t that ultimately the greatest power? In the eyes of a child you become the source of joy, which lifts you into the special category of caregiver and life-provider….

-Michael JacksonSOURCE:
On January 17th, 1989, a deranged man opened fire at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton California. Five children perished in this senseless act.  A man named Patrick Purdy, the lone gunman, had pulled his station wagon up to the back of the school, set the vehicle on fire, put earplugs in ears, then proceeded to spray 106 bullets into a schoolyard of small children – kindergarten up to about third grade. By the time this assault ended, one teacher and 29 students were injured and five children were dead. Purdy then shot himself in the head.

Other schools in the Stockton District were on lockdown for hours. All students in the district were ordered to get under their desks for about an hour. Parents were of course terrified and wanted to bring their children home but SUSD (Stockton Unified School District) would not allow it for fear that other shootings might take place. Of course for weeks following parents were very afraid to send their kids to school, even though Purdy didn’t seem to be be affiliated with any cause or group and was evidently a lone gunman.

No celebrities stepped in to offer help or support after this horrific scene. Most probably didn’t even know about it or if they did, stayed far away. Except of course, Michael Jackson.
A few weeks after the shooting, Diane Batres, head of the Victim Witness program in Stockton, received a call from MJJ productions. At first, she thought it was someone wanting to make a film and she was furious. But when she learned it was Michael Jackson wanting to visit the school and offer comfort and moral support to the children, she was happy to set up a day when Michael could visit the school. Ms. Batres commented:

It was very kind of him to do this. He brought truckloads of gifts and held children in his arms. He was genuinely concerned and expressed his sorrow. One of the mothers called after the experience and said, ‘I am so glad I saw that’ because she realized for the first time that there were no yellow tears, white tears, brown tears and black tears. Every tear was the same color. They all felt the same sadness.

Michael also distributed videotapes of his latest recordings to the children and staff at the school. One of the songs distributed was Man in the Mirror.
Honestly he had a heart big enough for the world. that says it all for me.
THIS is the REAL Michael Jackson . .

The above picture was taken in Stockton while Michael was visiting Cleveland Elementary School. 1989 米高積遜給予安慰和禮物斯托克頓校園槍擊受害者

你們有些人可能已經看過這個故事。不過,我將這故事放在這裏是因為它充分地道出了MJ 的內心。這就是我們認識的 MJ - 那個無論身在世界那個角落都能感受到一個心碎的孩子的心情、感應到一個孩子的痛苦和恐懼,或在嘈雜的餐廳中聽到一個孩子微小的聲音,從而立即去送上幫助,聆聽和安慰。

米高積遜- Michael Jackson 1989117,一個瘋狂的男子在加利福尼亞州斯托克頓克里夫蘭小學開槍。 五名兒童在這種毫無意義的行為中喪生。 一個叫珀迪普爾蒂的獨行槍手,將他的旅行車駛到學校,把車輛燃燒,塞著自己的耳朵,接著把106彈發射向校園幼兒園到約三年級的小孩子 -。這攻擊結束後,一名教師和29名學生受傷,5名兒童死亡。 珀迪然後向自己頭部開槍自殺。

其他學校在斯托克頓區上封鎖了幾個小時。所有在區內的學生被勒令他們躲在的書桌下得約一個小時。當然,家長們嚇壞了,想帶自己的孩子回家,但SUSD(斯托克頓聯合學區)不允許因為擔心其他可能發生的槍擊事件。 當然,數星期後,家長們非常害怕送孩子上學,即使珀迪普爾蒂沒有似乎是隸屬於任何原因或集團,並顯然是孤獨的槍手。

沒有名人的介入,提供幫助或支持下,經過這可怕的一幕。 大多數人可能根本不知道它,又或者他們住得太遠。當然,除了Michael Jackson

槍擊事件幾個星期後,黛安巴特雷斯,斯托克頓被害人證人方案的首長,接到一個從 MJJ製作公司打來的電話。 起初,她以為是有人想要拍一部電影,她很生氣。 但是,當她得知這是Michael Jackson想探訪學校,並提供安慰和精神上的支持孩子,她很高興地安排Michael可以去學校的日期。 巴特雷斯女士評論道:

這是一個那樣地善良的他。他帶來一卡車的禮物,他把孩子緊抱在他的懷裡。 他是真正關心和表達他的哀傷。 其中一個叫母親在這經歷後說,我很高興我看到了這些,那是因為她第一次體會到有沒有黃色的眼淚,眼淚白色,棕色和黑色的眼淚。 每一滴淚水是相同的顏色。 他們都感到同樣的悲傷。

還分發了他最新的錄像帶給孩子們和在學校的工作人員。 其中的歌曲之一是Man in the Mirror

老實說,這一切對我來說,他廣闊的心足夠容納整個世界。- AKON這就是真正的Michael Jackson

