

1987 Steven Spielberg四十歲生日慶祝會上的MJ

Michael Jackson | 1987 | Cameo in Citizen Steve
Michael Jackson talks about Steven Spielberg in this extract from 1987 Spielberg's 40th anniversary celebration video. The 23 minute film is a parody of "Citizen Kane".
中文來源   作者:Sara Lee
這個片段摘自1987年著名導演Steven Spielberg四十歲生日慶祝會上拍的錄影。

以下是片中MJ 原話的翻譯:

他(指Spielberg)跟我說他是Peter Pan,我覺得自己也是Peter Pan。。。我想我們對生活的認知很相似。。。我想像不出有一天他會變老,你知道就是人們常說的那種越老越優秀的意思。。。他永遠都不會老,他有一顆少年心。。。這很神奇。。。

“No matter what, the most powerful thing in the world is the human mind and prayer, and belief in your self and confidence and perseverance. No matter how many times you do it, you do it again until it’s right. And always believe in yourself. And not matter who’s around you that’s being negative or thrusting negative energy at you, totally block it off. Because whatever you believe, you become. Yes, and after all that, the most important — most important: stay humble. The humbleness that a child, like a new born baby has. Even though you become powerful or have power with people, with your talent…like with what Michelangelo did with sculpting, you know, underneath all that be as humble as a child, as a baby, and be as kind and as giving and loving. They don’t become puffed up with pride. No matter what it is that you do, be the best at it and have a respect for other and be proud of yourself."   Michael Jackson

